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[Scarlett's POV]
I wake up with a start. I had taken a nap after that show because I couldn't find anything else to watch. "I remember." I mutter. While I was asleep, I had a weird dream.

It went a bit like this:

I was walking in a place that looked like the sewers. I hummed a slow song. "Ashlynn! Come here!" A turtle-man told me. "I'm not going to train this time." I told him, sternly.

"You have to train, it's in your blood to be a ninja." He tells me. "But I want to be an artist! Why can't you just deal with the fact that I hate all that ninja crap?! All it gets you into is retarded drama. Well, I don't wanna be in that!" She screamed.

"Ashlynn, get your butt back in that room and do what your father tells you!" He demands. "No! I hate you! Leave me alone!" She marched in the opposite direction as him.

"Fine. If you want to be an artist then be one. I don't care." He said, walking off. After that, a woman, who was also a turtle, walked up to you. "Don't listen to him. He's just a little upset. Do what you feel is right." She patted my back.

"Can I just be alone for right now?" I asked. She nodded. "Come back when you feel better." She told me, then walked off. Then a boy walked up to me. "Your a turtle." He told me.

I looked up. "Yeah, so?" I asked him. "That's so cool." He laughed, sitting next to me. "Sure, I guess. Are you a human?" I asked him. "Indeed I am. What's your name?" He asked.

"Ashlynn. How about you?" I replied. "Peter." He told me.

Is this where I met Peter? Were those turtle people my family? Then it hit me. That poster. May or may not be a turtle. Holy crap...

I jump off the couch and run outside the house. I run and run until I find a flyer. I rip it off the wall and run back inside. I grab Kaneki's home phone and dial the number.

A woman picks it up. "Hello?" She asks frantically. "Hi... I think I'm your missing daughter." I say awkwardly. "Ashlynn?!" She yells. "Y-Yes. If that's what you called me before." I say.

"What's wrong?! Where have you been?! Why were you in the hospital?! What happened to Peter?! Are you okay?! Why do you sound so unsure of all of this?!" She yells all these questions at me.

"Listen, I don't remember anything. I was in the hospital because Peter... was a ghoul... I'm fine, just a little confused. I am a human..." I say, the last part being half a lie.

"You don't remember anything... Great. Umm... Come to the sewers and I'll meet you there. We'll tell you everything." She says. I look down at my shoes, starting to cry.

"Mom....?" I ask her. "What is it, sweetheart?" She asks. "I can't come back. If I did, you guys would have to kill me." I say, trembling. "What?! I would never! Just tell me where you are, I'll come there immediately." She says, sounding sad.

"I'm fine. I'm with a nice boy named Kaneki. We're fine. I'm staying with him. Just trust me. I'll be fine." I reassure her. "I'll talk to you every month over the phone. I promise. I love you. I'm sorry." I say, hanging up.

I then burst into tears and fall to the floor. A few minutes later, Kaneki shows up. "What's wrong?" He asks, kneeling next to me. "I remember." I cry. "But I'm not going back. I can't. I'll kill them..." I say.

"Sorry if this is the wrong time... but I ate someone..." He says shakily. I look up at him, scared. "It wasn't me though." He says. "Someone else killed them then shoved it in my mouth." He says, scared at himself.

"W-Was... Was it good?" I ask him. He nods slightly. Jealousy fills up in me for some reason. Why? Am I jealous he got to eat? Is this bad?

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