Chapter 4: Detention

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It was finally sunday. Which meant i was gonna enter hell the next day. I woke up to grayson laying beside me with his muscular arms wrapped around my tiny little waist. I smiled and looked over at Melanie. She was also sleeping. I climbed ontop of grayson and whispered in his ear "grayson, wake up baby". I kissed his neck and he woke up with a smile. He kissed my lips and i kissed back. Melanie woke up with a smile on her face as well while she was looking at us kiss. "Awe, look at you two....inlove" melanie said with a smirk. "Shut up" i said throwing a pillow at her. It ended up hitting ethan which made him jumoed up yelling "I'LL YOU KILLER CLOWN!". We all laughed and i said "what kind of dream were you having". He said it was nothing. We all went downstairs to see my house a complete mess. My mom and sister were coming back tonight so we all had to start cleaning. After about 3 hours of cleaning, we all just sat down and talked about random stuff. Grayson, ethan, and melanie left which leaves me home alone. 8:45 came by and i heard someone open the door. I ran downstairs to see my mom with open arms. I hugged so tight and gave her a kiss on the cheek. I looked over at my sister, and gave her a hug. "I missed you bothering me you little booger" i said giving her a noogie. She laughed and went up to her room. Everyone went to bed and i woke up to sound of my alarm. I looked over at my clock and it read "6:35 AM". "Ughhhh" i groaned in anger. I did my usual routine. Took a shower, put some clothes on, did my hair, and did my makeup. Since today was monday, i decided to wear gray. I wore a gray sweater with a black heart on it, black jeans, black vans, a gray beanie, and my black sunglasses. I left and met up with grayson, melanie, and ethan. We all walked to school and went to class. Grayson wasnt in my class which made me sad. Melanie was in my class which made me happy again. She sat next to me and we went on with our day in math. Until this blonde headed bimbo-slut came up to me saying "Hi, your shelly right" she said with a fake laugh. "Sorry, i dont waist my time on bimbos like you" i saud snapping back at her. "Listen.....shelly, just stay away from grayson and there will be no problem" she said whispering in my ear. Then she flicked my head and i bolted up yelling "BACK OFF BITCH!!! AND GRAYSON ISNT YOURS, HE'S DATING ME, SO YOU BETTER BACK ORF OR I'LL PUT YOU.IN A HOSPITAL!!!". "I'd like to see you try" she said scoffing with her friends while she throws water in my face. I jumped on her and started punching her ugly tan gone wrong face, and she was pulling my hair. She scratched my cheek and i bit her hand. We were screaming and were attacking eachother in math. Everyone was yelling "FIGHT!FIGHT!FIGHT!FIGHT!" while Melanie was trying to pull me off the the blonde bimbo. Ms Ramirez (the math teacher) pulled the blonde girl off of me and broke us up. "BOTH OF YOU, DETENTION....NOW!!!!!" she screamed at us and everyone sat back down. We went to the nurse first. The blonde girl (who's name was Brittany) had messed hair, a bloody nose, a bite mark on her hand, a scratch mark on her face and red slap marks all over her cheeks. I was up next and i had a bloody nose, scratch marks all over my face, a purple cheek, and also messed up hair. We both left, and there...i saw grayson standing at the door. He ran to me and hugged me and asked me if im ok. "Omg, babe....are you ok?!" said grayson. "Hey baby! Thank you for asking" said Brittany hugging him. Grayson pushed her away and yelling "GET THE HELL OFF OF ME!!!". She just stood there with a schocked. I wanted laugh but i had to a straight face on (my face was ). Grayson hugged me and kissed my cheek and was asking me what happened. "Your dating her" Brittany said disgusted. "Yea...he is...and if you have a problem you better keep it to yourself or else i will shove my foot far up your asshole to the point where you can taste my shoelaces" i said in a serious tone. She left the nurses office and went down to the detention room. "I'll tell you happened when we get him, but in the mean time...i gotta go to deten-" he cut me off with a kiss on my lips. The way his soft lips met mine. The way he would blush during the kiss. The way his plump lips tasted (it tasted like cherry btw). The way goosebumps went up my spine. It felt like fireworks. The nurse clears her throat which breaks up the kiss. I go to dentention and tell grayson what happened at home. Detention was HORRIBLE!!!! Ms Downer was on her desk reading, not paying attention to anything thats happeneing around her. The jocks sat all the way in the front, which included the queen bitch.....Brittany. The preppy people sat in the middle and the other weird people sat in the back. I decided to sit in the front but not to close to them. I was playing on my phone when a shadow hovered over me. I looked to see who it was, but as i was looking up, BRITTANY SMACKED THE HELL OUT OF MY FACE!!!! That got me so pissed off (i have anger issues) to the point i jumped ontop of her punching her ugly bimbo face once again. The teacher sent me to the principals office. I talked to the dean and he said i need to go to the guidance counselor everyday after school. But i got suspended for 5 days. I walked back home with ethan, grayson, and melanie. Grayson and my hands were intertwined which was so cute. Samething that went for Mel and Eth. Melanie jumped on back yelling "Hey badass!!! You were pretty awesome in math!!! Ermagerd". We all laughed. "You should've heard what she said to Brittany in the nurse" grayson said laughing. "What did she say" Mel and Eth said in unison. "She said "if you have a better keep it to yourself or else i will shove my foot right up your asshole to th point where you taste my shoelaces" grayson said mocking my tone. Everyone laughed so hard they fell to the floor. I got home and told ny mom what happened. She cleaned up my bloody nose, iced my bruised cheek, combed my messy hair, and creamed up my scratched up face (my mom was a medical nurse for 3 years). When i told my mom the story, she started laughing so hard. I was the best thing ever.

A/N: hello to the people who are reading this. I will upload chapter 5...maybe today...idk. but please like, vote, and comment what you think about this chapter. Thanks guys love ya

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