Chapter 73: Missing You

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Im going home back to my family! As in family, i mean Graythan. We had to wake up at 5:30 AM to catch an early flight back to New Jersey. I woke up grayson nicely but sitting on his stomach with my head in his neck. "Babe, wake up and get dressed, we gotta catch our flight" i whispered. "Okay baby, just cuddle for two more minutes" gray said. I layed back next to him. "I love you shelly" he whispered. "I love you too gray" i said back. "Now get up" i said as i smacked his chest. I went into the living room to wake up melanie and ethan. Grayson smacked ethan and i smacked melanie. "What?!" Melanie said with a grumpy voice. "Get up. We gotta catch our flight by 7" i said. "Gray, can you wake up jake so he can drive us there" ethan asked as he rubbed his eyes. Grayson went into jakes room. Then, we heard a loud scream. We ran in to see jake holding his chest and grayson on the floor laughing. "You guys are so immature" me and mel said at the same time. "Lets go people! We only have 1 hour and 30 minutes" i said. We all packed our bags, got dressed, brushed our teeth, and ate breakfast. I looked at the time to see that it was 6:15 AM. "I think its time to go now, the airport is like 25 minutes away" jake said putting on his shoes. "Then lets get going!" Mel said as she hugged ethan from behind. We all got in the car. "You guys should probably sleep for the next 25 minutes" jake said. "Babe, can i lay on your lap" i said. "Sure thing" gray said as he patted his lap. I layed on his lap and soon fell asleep. 25 minutes later, ethan woke me up. "Shell, we're here" he said. "Mkay" i said as i rubbed my eyes. We waited until our flight got called. "Flight 28. Flight 28 to New Jersey. Flight 28" the announcer said in the speaker. "Well jake, i had fun. Its good to see you again. Im gonna miss you" i said as i hugged jake. "Im gonna miss you too. But visit soon" jake said. "See you jake" mel said. "See you too mel" he said. "BROMIEOMIE!" ethan, jake, and grayson yelled. They hugged. I took a picture for snapchat and posted it. I tagged them in it. We ran to the gate and made it on time. I sat next to melanie while ethan and gray sat next to eachother.
*skip plane ride*
We finally arrived to New Jersey. Home. I called cameron to tell her to pick us up. Minutes later, she came. "I missed you guys so much!" she said as she hugged each of us. I finally got home. I opened the door to see Lisa, Sean, Isaac, Danny, Lia, Lele, Cam Dallas, Jack and Jack, Nash, and Matthew. "OH MY GOD!" i yelled with a smile. "I MISSED YOU GUYS SO FREAKING MUCH!" i yelled as i hugged all of them. "Oh, uh Shelly. Theres someone here to see you" Lisa told me. She pointed to the living room. My jaw dropped. I fell to my knees. There, i saw. Graythan. My little boy. A tear fell down. "MOMMY!" he yelled as he ran to me. I hugged him so tight. His legs were wrapped around my waist as i spun him around. He started crying. "I m-missed you s-so much
m-mommy!" he said in between cries. "Oh dont cry! Or your gonna make momma cry" i giggled as i wiped his tear. "Look who's here" i whispere as i pointed to the door. "DADDY!" Graythan yelled as he ran to grayson. "Hey buddy! I missed you soooo much!" Grayson said. "Uncle Eth! Aunt mel!" Graythan yelled. "Hey graythan! So good to see you again!" They said. "Who wants pizza" matthew said. We all cheered and ate pizza. During the whole time i was here, graythan never left my side. Wherever i would go, he would follow. Even to the bathroom. That was how much he missed me. Man, my baby boy is getting big so fast.

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