Chapter 27: Getting settled in

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All of arrived at the hotel and got checked into our rooms. We were all the way at the top. We all shared rooms which was awesome. There were three bedrooms, two bathrooms, one kitchen, a giant living room, and an awesome blacony. "So Shelly tell me about yourself" Jake asked me. " famous on youtube and vine. I have about 3.5 million subscribers on youtube. 800 thousand followers on vine. And 4.7 million followers on instagram and twitter" i said. He had this kind of face . I laughed a bit. "Holy crap, thats fantastic" he said. "What about you Melanie" he asked her. "Sanething as Shelly. She actually wanted me to have my own youtube channel you know just for fun. But i didnt i was gonna be that famous. But we actually do youtube and vine videos together" she replied. "Ermagerd. You guys are so cool" he said. "We know" me and mel said at the sametime. "Oh crap, i forgot its wednesday. In suppose to do my youtube video"i said slapping my hand on my forehead. "What do you do on wednesdays" Jake asked me. "I have a schedule. On wednesdays i do challenges" i said opening up my suitcase and getting out ny equipment. "Do you guys wanna be in it" i asked all four of them. "YEA!!!" they all said. I set up the camera and pressed record. Jake, Grayson, Ethan, and Melanie were behind me. "Hey guys! Im so sorry i havent uploaded lately but some stuff happened but im all better now. As you all know, i uploaded my schedule. Behind me i have four aweosme friends including my boyfirend Grayson Dolan, my bff Melanie Fernandez, Graysons brother Ethan Dolan, and the twins' best friend Jake Paul. So tweet out what challenge you want all of usb to do and we'll be back in a minute with the tweets you guys sent us. We are back. So some of you tweeted us to do the chubby bunny challenge and most of you tweeted us to do the tin can challenge. If you dont know what the tin can challenge is...its where you get at least 25 small cans, five for each of us, and we rip off the tags so we dont which is which. And i write down numbers from 1 to 25 and put it in a bowl. Each can will havea number on the top and whatever number you get, you need to eat whats inisde the can" i explained. "Sounds gross...but lets do it!!!" Jake sid clapping his hands. "Lets get started shall we" i said. "Ok so we got all of our cans with no tags on it" i said. "Grayson you go first. instead of picking out numbers from a bowl, we're just gonna go in order from 1 to 25" i said. "Lets see what 1 is" gray said eating it. He ate it and said "CORN!" "Your turn Shell" (my nickname for grayson is shell) he said. "It is...peaches" i said with a smile. "Ethan your up" i said. "Ok...i have...ANCHOVIES!!!" he said gagging. "Bring a trash can" i said laughing. We all laughed until we couldnt breathe. "I hate you guys" he said. "Mel, lets see what number 4 is" gray said. "I beans" shes said spitting it out. "Jakey, your up dude" i said. "Alrighty then...i beans" he said finishing it. After about 15 minutes, we were at the ens of the show. "Ok guys, we are at the end of the video. We just did the tin can challenge and i hope it made you laugh. Im Shelly" i said. "Im Grayson Dolan" gray said. "Im Ethan Dolan" eth said. "Im Melanie Fernandez" mel said. "And im Jake Paul" jake said. "Love you guys, goodnight and tomorrow i will upload a video that will be vlog day. Peace" i said doing the peace sign with my fingers and stopped the video. After the video we all ran to the bathroom and brushed our teeth. After that we all went in the living room and talked. "So Shelly, how do you like Cali so far" jake asked. "Its fun. At least i can get out of my house amd clear my mind from all the drama" i said taking a sip from my pepsi. "And what about you Mel. Hows Cali" "its fantastic. Ive never left new Jersey after uh...never mind" mel said. "What happened" Jake said. "My parents died and i live with my grandma. I never left new jersey after that" she said as a tear fell from her eye. " so sorry" jake said guilty. "Its ok...but ive moved on" she said with a smile. "When does vidcon start" i asked. "It starts tomorrow at 4:30 PM" gray said. "So what are you gonna do for your performance" ethan asked me. "We're suppose to perform" mel said. "Yea...why, you didnt know" i said. "Maybe i might dance with Shelly, or do a duet with her. Both of us are really good at singing AND dancing" melanie said laughing. "Wow...can you sing something for us. Like both of you" jake said. I looked over at grayson and he smiled like a five year old. "Alright. Lets sing stay with me by sam smith. And put the instrumental version" i said. "Ready melanie" i asked. "Hell yea i am. Lets do this" she said. Throughout the song, grayson couldnt keep his eyes off of me. "Oh wont you...stay with me. Cause your...all i need. They say love is clear to see oh...but darling...stay with me" me and Melanie sang perfectly. "WOOOOOO!!!!!" said the boys clapping. "That was fantastic girls" grayson said hugging me. "You sounded amazing" he whispered in my ear. I smiled and pecked his lips. I looked over at the clock and it said 1:37 PM. "Do you guys wanna go to the movie theatre" i asked.  "sure. What do you wanna see" jake asked. "Lets watch...fifty shades of grey" i said and looked at gray and he smirked. "Im not watching that. You guys can go, me and ethan are gonna watch the wedding ringer" mel said. "Yea, im gonna watch kingsman" jake said. "Fine...lets go!" I said and we walked out. After the movies, we all got home and played this really fun game. Just the five of us.

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