Chapter 53: Emergency

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I was in the kitchen with Isaac and Melanie cooking while Grayson and Ethan were in the living room watching a football game. Me, isaac, and mel were drinking red wine and talked about random stuff. I suddenly got a phone call from ny cousin Gabby. "Hey gabby, what's up" i said. I heard crying and soft sobbing coming from the other line. "GABBY WHATS WRONG!" i said scared. That caught grayson, ethan, isaac, and melaine attention so they came over to me. "S-s-shelly,
g-grandma is in t-the h-hospital" gabby said crying. "What...." i said softly with a tear falling down. Grayson kept asking me whats wrong so i put the phone on speaker. "I need you to come to washington right now! Im already in the hospital" gabby said still crying. "WHATS WRONG WITH HER" i said crying. Melanie came over to me and started rubbing my shoulder. "S-she has c-c-cancer" gabby said. After she said that, it felt like my heart stopped. I hung up and threw my phone at the wall. I ran upstairs and started packing. Tears started falling from my eyes. My grandma and my cousin were my only relatives left. Gray, Eth, isaac, and Mel ran after me. "Shelly, what happened!" Grayson asked worried. "My g-grandma is in the h-h-hospital, she has c-cancer" i said choking on my tears. Isaac ran to me and started crying. "We all loved your grandma" he said. Grayson, Ethan, and Melanie joined the hug and helped me pack. I left the house and headed for washington.
*skip to Washington*
I arrived at washington and called my cousin with an emergency phone that i had. "Hello" she sounded tired. "Hey, what hospital are you in" i said. "We're in Washington City State Hospital on exit 29 on Merrick blvd" she said. "Ok, im on my way" i said. I arrived at the hospital and saw gabby in the waiting room. I ran to her and hugged me and started crying in my shoulder. "Are we allowed to see her" i said breaking the hug. Gabby nodded. We went to the desk. "Um...Denise Johnson please" i said. "Who are you two" the woman at the desk said. "We're her granddaughters" i said. " 148B" the woman said. We ran to he room and saw my lifeless grandma in the bed with tubes and needles in her arms and a mask around her face. God...she was so pale. I slowly walked towards the bed and sat in the chair next to her. I held her hand. "They uh...said she only had a couple hours to live" gabby said. I ignored her because i wanted to spend every second with my grandma. "Grandma...i know you can here me. I need you to fight this ok. We need you here. The baby needs you. I need you. So please dont leave us. I love you" i said kissing her cheek. "Girls..." i heard my grandma whisper. She was too weak to talk. "Grandma" gabby said coming closer. "I love you both so very much" grandma said between breaths. "If i go...i need you guys to be strong for me...okay" grandma said. "Okay" me and gabby said in unison. My grandma motioned us to hug her and we did. Then thats when my heart completely broke. The monitor died...."GRANDMA!" i yelled. Doctors came running in. Gabby pulled me back and i was trying to get free. "NO! GRANDMA! DONT LEAVE US!" i yelled while crying. "Shelly...she's gone. She's in heaven with your mom, your dad, and Emily, and Emma" gabby said. I just watched as they wheeled out her body. "I have to go back to New Jersey. Are you okay to stay in washington" i told gabby. "Yeah...go with your family" she said. "Are you okay" she asked. It might take me a while to recover" i said giving her a little smile. I gave her one last hug before leaving.
*skip to new jersey*
I arrived into of my house. This was the most depressing thing that ever happened. I have never felt so depressed in my life. I went inside and walked slowly. Grayson, Isaac, Melanie, and Ethan were in the kitchen...they looked worried. "Hi shelly..." i saac said. I ignored. "Shelly...what happened" melanie asked. I slowly walked upstairs to the bedroom. Mel, Isaac, Eth, and Gray slowly followed me. "Shelly?" grayson said. I just grabbed a chair and sat infront of the window. "Are you okay" ethan asked. I said not one...single...word. Everyone left except for Grayson. "Babe..." he said. I just stared out the window. "Um...gabby called...and she told me what happened" he said. I tear fell down and a small sob escaped my mouth. " really sorry. Your grandmother was a great woman" grayson saud. He came over and hugged me so tight. I just let out small sobs. "Shhh...its alright" he said. "Her uh...funeral is in two days" i said. "We're going ok...dont worry" he said. "Can i just have a minute alone please" i said softly. "Of course" he said leaving. I just looked out my window and softly cried.

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