Chapter 41: Bachelorette Party Gone Wrong

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So today Melanie, cameron and my cousin Gabby went to go have fun since i just got married. We didnt go to a club since i had a baby inside me. We just went out to dinner. I got up from sitting on the couch and got dressed (as shown above). "Hey baby, your getting ready" gray asked me. "Yerp, im going to a restaraunt with cameron, Melanie, and Gabby" i said. "Ok" he said hugging me from behind. "What are you GUYS gonna do" i asked him. "Maybe go out to a club or something" he said. "Ok" i said looking down. "Whats wrong" he asks me lifting my chin up. "I'm just afraid you might do something or I'll go on instagram to see a girl grinding on you when your dancing" i said tearing up. "Babe, i will never hurt you again. I want you to have fun. Jake and Ethan are gonna watch my every move okay" gray said wiping my tear with his thumb. "Okay" i said smiling. *ring*ring*ring* My phone went off. It was melanie. "Hello" i said. "Hey boo, im outside. Bring cameron" mel said. "Alright bye" i said. "I gotta go. Love you" i said kissing grayson. "Oh and no drinking" i said walking off. I looked back to see grayson looking at my butt licking his lips. I smacked my hut and he chuckled. "CAMERON LETS GO!" i yelled downstairs. "COMING!" she yelled running down the stairs. We left and i got in melanies car and sat in the front. We arrived at applebees (my favorite restaraunt). We sat at our table and ordered our drinks. "So...Shelly. Are you nervous about having a baby" gabby said. "Not really. I mean ive been at it before and im trying to stay healthy" i said taking a sip of my soda. "What are the names your planning out" cam asked me. "Im glad you asked. If its a girl, Embree. And if its a boy Greythan. A mix between Grayson and Ethan" i said. "Thats so cute!" Mel said. "What about you. You got a boyfriend" i asked cam. "Uh-no, not at the time. But i have a crush on this kid in my collage school" she said. "Oh, thats good. What about you Gabby" i asked. "Actually i am. For 3 months" she said. "Oh my god, thats the longest relationship you've ever had" i said laughing. "Ugh, what is she doing here!!" I whisper yelled. "Who" melanie whispered back. "One of brittanys bestfriends. She's trying to make me and grayson not be together" i said. "Ohhh. Whats her name" gabby asked. "Tiffany" i said. "Shelly! So good to see you, how are you" tiffany said with a fake bitchy smile. "Hi tiffany" i said not looking at her. "Well...someones on their period" she said leaving to her table. "Bitch" cam mumbled. "Are you Shelly" a guy asked. "Um yeah....who are you" i asked confused. "Remember me from 8th grade. Its me Isaac!" he said. "OH NY GOD! ISAAC! ITS BEEN SO LONG!" I yelled getting up to hug him. "Guys, this is Isaac. My gay bestfriend from 8th grade" i said. "Hey" they said. Isaac was wearing a pink beanie, a black shirt that said peanut butter and jealous with rainbow suspenders, pink converses, and blue skinny jeans. He sat down and we all talked. "So Isaac, how long have you known shelly" mel asked. "Uh for about 3 years, until she moved to New Jersey" Isaac said sounding exactly like a gay guy (i love gay guys btw so dont judge). He had to leave so i hugged him. When i turned my head, i saw that Tiffany took a picture. "It was good to see you" he said. "Heres my phone number if you want to talk or hang out" he said. "Of course!" I said. And he left. We ate our food and went back home.

Graysons POV
Jake, Ethan, Ryan and I went to a club. We ordered our drinks and went dancing. A girl tried to talk to me but I did that trick where i pretend to scratch my head and i show my ring. Her reaction was priceless! I got a notification from twitter and saw a picture of Shelly hugging a guy and him handing her his phone number. The caption was:

To @graysondolan i thought you said she would never cheat on you but i guess i thought wrong
From @tiffany_banks

I was furious! I texted tiffany to come to the club i was in and she came. "Im sorry to see what Shelly did to you" she said hugging me. "Its okay, i thought she was better than this" i said. Ethan and Jake werent around so i got to hug Tiffany. "I have an idea, lets take a picture as payback and send it to Shelly" tiffany said. "Sure" i said. We took a picure kissing on the lips. I took a video of me and tif dancing. "This is my new girlfriend Tiffany. Say hi" i said in the video. "Hey!" she said. I sent the picture and the video to shelly and the caption said hope we could still be friends Shelly. And i clicked send.

Shellys POV
I got two twitter notifications from Grayson. I looked and saw that he was kissing a girl....TIFFANY! I was balls off the wall furious. There was a video and i watched. "This is my new girlfriend Tiffany. Say hi" gray said. "Hey!" Tiffany said. I wanted to punch a wall, but instead, i cried I'm my pillow. Cameron came my room and asked me what's wrong. I showed her the picture and the video. Just then, i heard the door close and heard grayson and Ethan come up the stairs. "ARE YIU FUCKING KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW GRAYSON!!! WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM!!!" I yelled. "We'll leave" ethan said and closed the door. "What's my problem? I'M NOT THE ONE CHEATING ON HER HUSBAND!" he yelled. "What are you talking about" i asked. "Don't play that i don't know what your talking about shit" he said walking towards my bag packing it up. "What are you doing!" I yelled. "Cleaning up your shit" he said. "Your not living here anymore" he did taking my bags downstairs and throwing it outside. I just stood there frozen. "You should probably hey going, tiffany will be here. Oh there she is right now" gray said. Tiffany ran up him and started kissing him. Ethan and Cameron ran downstairs to see me crying and grayson kissing tiffany. "What the hell is going on here!" Cameron said. "She's cheating on me! That's what's going on here!" Grayson yelled. "You know what, that's fine" i said. I took of my ring and threw it at him.
"Wait... what" Cameron said. Grayson shoved his phone in my face and showed me the picture of me and Isaac hugging. "She's cheating on me with this asshole" gray said. "But at least i have someone better than you. Your just a fat slut" gray said. "GRAYSON!!!" ethan and cameron said in unison. "That's alright. Isaac is gay anyway" i said storming out.

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