Chapter 13: Hospital Visit

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I went to the bathroom and cried as i sat on the floor. Trying to forget what happened. I wrote my mom a goodbye letter. I cut my both my wrists and lost alot of blood. Everything went black.
*end of flashback*

(5 days later)
I wake up in a room. I slowly open my eyes to see really bright lights. I felt a slight pain on wrists as a tear falls down. Both of my writs were cut up pretty badly. I saw some needles with tubes in my arms and a big heart machine next to me. Where am i? Is my baby ok? Will i live? Is this a dream? I saw a big white control next to me and saw a big red button. I pressed the button quickly to see what would happen. Just then, a nurse woman came in. "Shelly! Im so glad to see your awake!" she said with a huge smile checking the machines. "Um...where am i?" I asked confused. "Your in New Jersey Hospital. When your mom brought in here, we that your wrists were both cut up. You lost alot of blood. Then we saw your stomach and noticed you were pregnant. So we rushed you to the ER. Thank the heavens your alive" she explained. I gave her a weak smile and leaned back. "Oh, my mom here?" I asked. "As a matter of fact, she is. She's been with the whole entire time" she said. As she was about to walk out, i asked "whats your name?" "Nurse Brown, but you can call me Penelope" she said leaving. She was an African-American woman who was in her late 30's. Then my mom came into the room and ran to me, hugging me so tight and whispered in my ear "oh baby, i thought i was gonna lose you forever". A tear fell down her cheek which wanted me to cry. "Mom, i would never leave you and Emily" i said still hugging her. We broke the hug and she sat on the hospital bed. She held my hand the entire time. ", why am i here" i asked mom looking at her. " tried to committ suicide by cutting both your wrists. You a note on your bed that explained everything. I found you in your bathroom in a big pool of blood. So here you are. Up and about. And im happy about that" she said smiling. "Oh! Theres some people here to see you" she said still smiling. "COME IN YOU GUYS!!!" mom yelled. I looked over at the door and saw Ethan, Melanie, Mr Dolan, and Mrs Dolan. Eth and Mel ran up to me and hugged me. We all started crying and i just laughed. I looked around and saw no grayson. That made me really sad. "Hey Shelly! We all missed you so much!!!" Ethan said still hugging me tightly. He was like a big brother to me. "How long have i been out cold?" I asked scratching my head. "Uh...about 5 days" Mel said looking at Ethan. Ethan nodded as an agreement. "" i said shocked. "Mom, Lisa, Sean, can you please wait in the hall, i need to talk to Melanie and Ethan....alone" i said looking that them. "Sure hun" mom said leaving. "Feel better sweetie" Lisa said also leaving. "If you need anything, just holler" Sean said lastly. "How are you guys? I missed you so much!" I said hugging Mel. "Um Shelly...we need to tell you something" Mel said looking happy. "What is it?" I said asking confused. She showed me her finger and i gasped. "OH MY GOD YOU GUYS!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!" I said hugging them both. "Oh um...theres something here for you" Ethan said smirking while Melanie follows him out the door. I was a bit scared because i didnt know what was happening. Just then i saw what was waiting for me. I looked at the door and gasped to the point i cried. I covered my mouth and started crying. "Grayson!!!" I said happily. "What are you doi-" he cut me off with a passionately kiss. We both smiled and i put my forehead on his while i cupped his cheek in my hands. "Wait...what are you doing here? I thought you were dating...THAT SLUT!!!!" I said breaking that moment. "Baby just here me out" Grayson said putting his stuff on the chair. "No i dont wan-" "please" gray said giving me his usual puppy dog eyes. "Fine" i said crossing my arms. "Remember how that night at the party, i told you that i was gonna be by your side no matter what" he said and i nodded. "Well, when you were dancing with Melanie, Brittany came over and started talking to me. I tried to ignore her but she just wouldnt leave me alone. She handed me a beer and me being the nice person and idiot, i took it and drank it. She spiked my beer with even more alcohol and before you knew it, i was drunk out of my mind. I went up stairs to the bathroom like i told you and started to pee. Thats why my pants were unbuckled. As i was finishing up, Brittany grabbed me threw me on her bed. I tried to tell her to stop but she just wouldnt get off. I turned her over to where i was ontop of her. I tried to get but she grabbed my neck and started making out with me. Then she gave me another drink which made me even crazier. Thats when you came in. I dont know what happened and im truly sorry for what i said. Those things i said, it wasnt me. Someone video taped it and posted it up. After i was feeling better Ethan showed me the video. I ran upstairs and didn't come out for days. I couldnt live without you by my side. I missed you every minute and every second. I missed holding you in arms at night. I missed the way you listened to my heart beat faster because yoy were there. I love you with all my heart baby. I do want the baby in my life and i mostly want you in my life. I love you sooooo very much to the point i would die. Please forgive me" he said as i cried. He started crying too. He went up to me, i grabbed his neck, looked into his eyes and started kissing him slowly but passionately. "Always and forever" he whispered. "I forgive you. Always and forever" i whispered back. "Oh i forgot to give you something" he said reaching down to the chair. He gave me beautiful flowers. He got me roses. My favorite flower. He remembered. Then he aslo gave me a picture frame that said "Always And Forever". It had a picture of me and graysons very first selfie of when we first met. He aslo got me a photo album with pictures in it that had the first day we met to now. As i turned to look for grayson, i saw him kneeling on the floor with one knee. Just then, the whole fmaily came in and Melanie started to record. "Shelly, the very first day i met you was magical. I want to spend every second of my life with you. Will you spend the rest of your life with me, and have my child. Shelly...will you marry me?" he said smiling so bright. "YES!!! OF COURSE!!!" I said as he jumped up and put the ring on my finger. We kissed for a good 7 seconds. Melanie was still recording and my mom and Lisa were tearing up. "Who knew about this?" I asked laughing. Everyone raised their hand and started laughing. Just then the nurse came in and handed my mom papers. She saw the ring on my finger and smiled. "Congratulations Shelly! Im so proud of you!" she said hugging me. "Thank you so much" i said smiling back at her. "Oh by the way, your leaving the hospiatl in two days, so have everything packed up by tomorrow night so it'll be ready the next day" she said leaving, "ok" i said. The next two days came by, and i was back home, with grayson, and my family.

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