Chapter 77: Beginning

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Its been atleast a month since i got my job as a vet. I woke up and ran to the bathroom. I threw up so much. "What the hell?!" I mumbled. Grayson ran in. "Shelly? What happened?! Are you okay?!" he says worried. "Whats today" i said with wide eyes. "Its April 21st...why" he said. "Oh god...dont tell me your-" i cut him off. "Wait outside. Let me check" i said before closing the door. I pulled out a pregnancy test and waited 15 minutes. Time passed and i looked at it. I smiled as a tear falls down my cheek. I opened the door to see grayson pacing back and forth biting his nails. "Well" he said looking at me. I still stared at the stick. "Whats it say" he said. "I-im pregnant" i said. "What?! Your lying?! Are you serious?!" he said jumping up. I nodded. He picked me up and spun me around. "I cant believe im gonna have another Dolan added to our family" i said. "Mommy, why are you cheering" graythan asked rubbing his eyes. "Come here hun, i need to talk to you" i said. Graythan sat on the bed. "Are you ready to be a big brother" grayson asks. Graythan nodded. "Well...mommy is having another baby" i said. "WHAT!" he said standing up. He ran to me and hugged me. "IM GONNA BE A BIG BROTHER!" he exclaimed. I cried abit, but it was happy tears. "What are we gonna tell your family" i said. "Lets tell them now" grayson says. I called over isaac, danny, melanie, ethan, lisa, sean, and cameron. They came over right away. I set up dinner. One by one, everyone came in. "I assume your wondering why i called you here" i said as i stood up. "Um...we have some news to tell you guys" grayson said standing up as well. "Its that um...i-im pregnant" i said. Everyones jaw dropped. "NO WAY! YAY!!!" everyone cheered. They all hugged me and grayson. "So graythan, how does it feel to become a big brother" ethan said. "Happy" graythan said with his smile as his dimple shows. "Well...what about names" lisa asked clapping her hands. "Oh, we haven't thought about that yet" i said. "Babe, whatevers fine with you, I'll be okay with it" gray said. "If its a girl, i want it to be Kaytlin. And if its a boy, i want it to be Nickey" i said. "Those names are so bae" isaac said. "Do you mind if i use those names" i asked grayson. "I love those names" he said as he pecked my nose. "Im gonna be a grandma again" lisa said. "Im gonna be an aunt again!" Melanie said. After each family member said what they were gonna be again, we all finished eating dinner. "Thanks for coming over you guys" i said to each person. They left, which left me, grayson, and little gray alone. "I cant believe it" i said rubbing my stomach. "Yay" i muttered. "Alright graythan, time to go to bed buddy. You got school tomorrow" i said. Graythan ran to his room, and fell fast asleep. I crawled into bed with grayson. I layed my head on his chest. His hand resting on my shoulder. "I love you babe" gray whispered in my hair. "I love you too gray" i said as i kissed his cheek. "Goodnight" he muttered before falling asleep. "Night" i said. Soon enough, my eyes got heavier...and heavier. Then before i knew it, i was fast asleep.

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