Chapter 17: C-Section

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*1 week later*
Today was the day where i get my C-Section. I never knew what it felt like. I just hope it doesnt hurt that much. As Grayson, Melanie, and Ethan head up to the hospital, i needed to look at nyself one more time in the mirror. Grayson caught me and wrapped his arns around me. "You know your beautiful no matter what" he saud kissing me on the cheek. I gave him a weak smile and we all left. When we arrived, i was greeted by Dr Harper. "Good afternoon Shelly, please follow these two nurses into this room and get ready for the C-Section" he said. I wore a nightgown that was a little open on the back. As i layed down on the table, Grayson was with me holding my hand while Mel and Eth were sitting in the room with us as well. "Ok Shelly, im just going to inject you with a needle on your back so you wont feel anything from your waist down" one doctor said. As she inject me, i became weak from my waist down. I layed on the table with a blue sheet covering my chest with only showed my stomach. Dr Harper put laughing gas sobi wont feel anything during the procedure. As they cut my stomach, i held graysons hand. Even though i couldnt feel anything, i felt a little pinch. I saueezed graysons hand as a tear escaped my eye. I heard gray whisper in my ear saying something like "Its ok baby" or "it'll be over soon". Mel and Eth started to talk to me as well. As the doctor cut open my stomach, i saw them pull out my dead baby girl. They cleaned her out and i held her for a while. Then they tooke her away. I started saying weird things from that laughing gas like "Im a pretty unicorn" or "im a wizard and i go to Hogwarts". It was so funny that Ethan took a video. "Hey Shell Bell, how are you feeling" eth asked. "I feel like a dog that just ate a barbie doll that also pooped out rainbows" i said with slurr words. They laughed and i started to cry for no reason. Eth was still videotaping. "Why are you crying honey?" Mel asked. "I want to take a bath in chocolate ice cream" i said crying. They started laughing again. After i recovered from the C-Section, the stitches started to bother me. I dont know how I'm supposed to take a shower. "Shelly, how are you feeling" Dr H asked. "I feel ok. But im glad to be free" i sad sitting up. "Ok, thats good. Um, but your going to have to stay here for about 5 days for your stitches to heel a bit" Dr H said. "Oh, ok" i said. About 3 hours went by and i wanted to see my baby. Melanie wheeled into the room where the "dead babies" were and i saw my baby on the table. "Oh dear god" i whispered. As i looked around i saw the name Emma Dolan. That was my baby. I didnt want to bury my baby. I wanted to cremate her so i can keep her forever. As a tear rolled down my cheek, Ethan wheeled me out of the room and calmed me down. "Hey, hey, hey. Look at me. Your going to be ok" Eth said hugging me. "Ok, i just dont want to see this. Its going to get me depressed" i said. As Ethan was about to wheel me out, i looked in the door and saw Gray holding Emma. That made me cry even more seeing the love of my life holding my dead baby. He started smiling as a tear fell down his face. Maybe i should have another baby. But I'll have to wait for one year. This was the moment i wanted to calure forever.


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