Chapter 20: More Youtube Videos

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So today is Friday. I decided to make YouTube videos for my fans which they are dying to see. I made my schedule which was:

Monday- fan mail
Tuesday- special guests
Wenesday- challenges
Thursday- vlogs
Friday- pranks
Saturday- tags
Sunday- advice

As i was done setting my schedule, i told my sister she is going to do the sister tag with me. She could read perfectly fine which was a thumbs up for me. We went into my basement (as shown above) where i shoot my videos and got everything ready. We sat down and began the video.

"Hey guys!!! Im so sorry i havent been posting lately. I was at the hospital for sonething really bad but i will discuss it tomorrow. Im shelly as you all know and for today i have a special guest. My younger sister Emily!" I said. "Hello, im Emily. Her younger sister" Emily said waving to the camera. "Ok, since its saturday, we will be doing the sister tag. I wrote down some questions and so did emily. We have the cards right here. I will ask her a question and for everyone she gets wrong, she will have to eat...fried caterpillars" i said. "Gross!!! But i wont get any wrong" Emily said. "Lets start" i said.

"Question#1 What do i like to do on my free time" i asked. "You like to ride your pennyboard while listening to music" Emily said. "Correct" i said. "We will be only doing 5 today. Question#2 What are my three fears?" I asked looking at Emily. "Uh...spiders, clowns, and uh...heights?" she asked. "You git that one...correct!!" I said. "Yay!!!" she said excitedly. "This one is a hard one. Question#3 Who is my favorite singer?" I asked with a funny look. "Oh shoot! Is it...Christina Aguilera?" she asked. "Wrong!! Its nicki minaj. Now eat a caterpillar" i said handing her a caterpillar. I heard her crunch on it. Her reaction was priceless. I laughed so hard. "Ok. Question#4 What is my favorite subject in school?" " it...ELA?" she asked. "Wrong again" i said laughing. "Dammit!" she said. "Chew on the disgusting bug" i said handing her another one. "Only one more question left. Question#5 What is my favorite nicki minaj song?" I asked looking in her eyes. "OH OH OH!!! ITS THE BOYS!!!" she said standing up. "CORRECT!!!" i said high fiving her. "She only got 2 out of 5 wrong. All i need to do is beat her record. Oh and i forgot to tell you. If i beat your record, you have to eat all the caterpillars." I said with a smile. "Ughhhh. Whatever. Ok Question#1 What is my favorite tv show theme song" she asked me. "Zoey 101" i said. "Correct!!! Question#2 What is my favorite animal?" she asked with a smirk. "Is it a pander. A panda" she looked at her card. "Am i correct" i asked. "I dont know. I had that in my mind but i guess I'll give you a point" she said. "Yasss!!!" I said clapping my hands. "Question#3 What do i like to eat?" " it peanut butter sandwiches" i asked nervously. "Wrong! Its ice cream. Now eat a caterpillar" she said laughing. I ate it and it was kinda good. "I dont know what the big deal is. It tastes like...rice krispies" i said laughing. "Whatever. Question#4 whats my favorite color?" she asked. "Oh thats easy. You have two its purple and red" i said looking at the canera dramatically. "That was too easy for you. Last one, Question#5...What are ny worst fears?" she said also looking at the camera dramatically. "Drowning, being kidnapped, and the last one is trolls" i said standing up. "YOUR CORRECT!!!" Emily said slamming the cards on the table. "YAY!!! NOW EAT UP MISSY" I said laughing. She at the whole thing and almost gagged. "Ok my fellow fans. That is it for today. Stay tuned for tomorrow. Im shelly and this is emily and we just did the sister tag. Comment what you think the advice topic should be for tomorrows video. Love you guys" i covered my hands over the lens and turned it off. "Go upstairs and brush yoyr teeth while i edit and upload my video" i said to Emily. "Ok..ok" she said. I was down editing and i uploaded my video on youtube. 15 minutes past by and i already got 513k likes. People commented like crazy. I fell asleep with the laptop on my lap and had happy thoughts swim around in my head. Im so happy i have my fans, family and friends who support me all the way.

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