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"What's with all the cars?" Jess asks as we pull up to Evan's.

"Yeah...about that," my voice trails off as my eyes scan a lot of cars parked on the side of the road and in the driveway.

I told him to keep the gathering small, as in, the boys and Jo. Although, from the looks of it, some of our friends are here too. Evan can go overboard sometimes, and I hope this isn't one of those times.

My eyes soon find Jensen's car, and I suddenly feel uneasy. I don't want them to think I'm incapable of taking care of her because I know that I am.

I knew he'd be here. Hell, I'm the one who told Evan to make sure he could be here. Jess would want to see him, along with Jared and Misha. On the other hand, neither of us is looking forward to the conversation. I know he will want to have it once he sees her, especially since she's been avoiding Facetime calls.

"Please tell me Evan isn't throwing you a going-away party?" She mumbles, interrupting my thoughts as she looks down, playing with her fingers.

"He's not." She sighs in relief before I get a chance to finish. "He's throwing you a going-away party."

"Oh, come on! Seriously?!" she groans as I turn the car off.

"He means well. I agreed before I knew we were going to Kristen's."

"I know, and I love that about Evan I do. He just met me, and he's already been so gracious." She looks up from her hands. "Fuck! Jensen is here; that's great!" she huffs, pulling at her clothes, frustrated at how baggy they've become.

"I'll talk to him; explain things if you want."

"Hey, you guys going to sit out there all night?" Jensen yells, smiling while motioning to us.

"If only," she mutters

I bring Jess's hand to my lips, "tomorrow," I smile, "then it's just you and me in our apartment."

"Our apartment," she states as she softly smiles. "I have an apartment with my boyfriend in London." She chuckles, smiling like it's some hushed secret as she beams, her dimples finally coming through.

"I've missed these," I brush her left cheek running my thumb over her dimple, causing her to blush at my touch. It's not that she hasn't smiled, because she has, but these kinds of smiles are my favorite. I watch as her eyes close, inhaling gently. "Don't apologize," I reply, already knowing what she's thinking as her eyes open to meet mine. "None of this is your fault. You're going to get back on track once everything is settled."

"You know, some would call that enabling."

"Does it look like I care?" I smirk.

"Guys, come on, you're killing me here!" Jensen calls out again.

We enter through the sliding door, and everyone cheers, except for Jensen and Danneel, as they take in Jess's appearance. Jared comes over, and I can tell by his facial expression that he's concerned as he hugs her and we make eye contact.

"Where's Gen?" Jess asks as Jared pulls back, and she breaks eye contact with Jensen, moving her gaze to Jared's, who quickly recovers.

"She sends her love. They called her into a meeting last minute." He replies with a smile as Jess and Jo make their way to the small table in the kitchen.

"I'll have to text her," Jess adds

"She was hoping you would. She hates that she's missing seeing you off."

"Most definitely, and no worries, I know how work is."

"She's all grown up and leaving us guys," Misha breaks in, pretending to fan his face to stop the nonexistent tears in his eyes. "Who's going to beat me at UNO!?"

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