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Did you get your outfit?

Yes, mom

Send a picture so I can approve

I'm not at home

Is your "boyfriend" coming?

No, and he has a name

I knew you'd fuck it up; what did you do? Are we going to have to fix this situation too?

I want to tell her about London, I want to throw it in her fucking face, but she would just downgrade it with some of her backhanded compliment bullshit.

I didn't do anything. He has work he has to intend to

Sure he does; whatever helps you sleep at night, Jessica, I better have a picture by the end of tomorrow and wear some makeup, for Christ sake.

And just like that, I'm immediately overwhelmed and anxious, and I knew when I saw her text in the first place what kind of conversation I was in for, which is why I sent Hero out of the room.

I lock my phone before returning it to the bedside table; it's just one event. You can make it through one event.

Four hours tops, and Hero is going to be there as soon as he can "you got this," I feel my hands start to shake as my heart starts to race.

I take a deep breath "get yourself under control before He comes back," I mumble to myself. "who am I kidding? He is going to know he always does."


"What are you thinking about?" I ask coyly as I place the water she asked for on the bedside table before walking over to the opposite side and getting into bed.

"This is about Wednesday, isn't it?" I ask as she shrugs "your outfit is fine, totally appropriate for this bore-fest of a celebration." I turn over on my side, hoping she'll do the same, but she only continues to stare at the ceiling "that's it, I'm rescheduling."

"No, you're not!" It comes out harsher than she intends it to. "I mean, you can't," she corrects as her tone softens. Her eyes glance at me only to move back to the ceiling.

"Jessica, you're shaking."

"I'll be fine" she takes a deep breath, and I pull her to me.

"You know nothing she says or does is ever going to make me leave you" she opens her mouth to protest; her eyes are full of concern.

"You say that now until I.." she replies almost in a hushed-like tone moving her head to my chest.

"Baby, I'll say that always, and I know that's hard for you to believe no matter how many times I try my hardest to convince you, but I will" she looks up, and her eyes soften as they meet mine "just focus on me."

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