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I love the song for this chapter, and I feel like it explains Jess but also explains how Hero feels about her.


"Please don't fight," Jess says, trying to smile, but it's weak at best.

"I'll try," I reply, leaning into the car window and kissing her; she pulls back too quickly for my liking, "have fun."

"I'll try" her lips pull into a slight smirk as she tries to reassure me, but her eyes fail her.

"I love you," I reach out, stroking her cheek. Her olive-green eyes have turned into a lackluster forest green, a color I have gotten used to seeing for the last two days.

"I love you," she says softly. Her eyes start to fill with tears as she quickly looks down, and Jo rubs her shoulder as I pull open the door.

"Everything's going to be okay," I say, hoping my words reinsure her, but she shakes her head disapprovingly.

"I disappointed you, let you down, I told you—" her hands shake as she picks at her fingers. "I messed up everything up for Kristen, or I will if I—" I place my hand under her chin, lifting it.

"One, we are going to get through this. "Two, you could never disappoint me or let me down. Three, I will talk to Kristen; you know how great I am at persuading people."

I smile, making my dimples pop, knowing the comfort it brings her, and just for a moment, the light in her eyes return as I wipe her cheeks.

"Don't worry; I'll take care of your girl," Jo jokes using a hint of a British accent as I glance at her in an attempt to try and lighten the mood. I roll my eyes smirking, and Jess lets out a little laugh while Jo starts the car, making me step back and close the door.

"Text me if you need me."

She nods, and I watch as the black Dodge van pulls out of the driveway. It turns, then heads down the street before turning and making my way back into the house.

"Please don't fight," Jess's words ping in my thoughts.

"Sorry baby, I can't do that," I murmur, opening the front door and stepping inside.

"I hope you telling Maria everything was worth it!" I announce as I close the front door. I don't know if I'm more frustrated or aggravated as I return to the kitchen.

Jess should be gone for at least two hours, seeing as I could talk her into going with Jo to get her hair touched up. I know it'll make her feel better. It's the only thing she does for herself.

Plus, I'm tired of walking around on eggshells when it comes to Kristen, so we may as well get this over with.

"I was only trying to protect her! She doesn't need to go to London!" Kristen fires back while letting go of the fridge door, letting it close.

"Protect her?" I snort, shaking my head "you threw her to the fucking wolves and for—"

"How was I supposed to know that he was going be there!? All Maria said was that she would handle it!"

I can't believe what I'm hearing. I know she didn't want Jess to go, but to go along with this. To not even challenge Maria's motives, I can't seem to wrap my head around it.

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