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As I pull back, my eyes meet Hero's, and I can tell he can see how grateful I am.

"How you'd you sleep?" He asks as I do a quick stretch.

"Great you?"

"Good; any plans for today?" He implores as Diesel makes his way to the end of the bed before lying down.

"I did have an idea I wanted to try," I smirk, hoping he'll at least hear me out once I ask. "But first, can we have breakfast? I'm starving?"

"Yeah, of course," he answers as his phone buzzes. He leans forward, pulling it from his back pocket. Checking it, only for it to go off again. "Just let me take Diesel out real quick."

"I could go with you?" I offer as he stands up, pushing his feet back into his shoes.

I won't be gone for long," he replies, quickly kissing my forehead. "Come, Diesel," he commands as Diesel follows behind him.

"Love you," I confess quietly as I hear the front door click closed, only to be left with my thoughts.

He just got back. What's so important? Why couldn't I go? Usually, I'm the one trying to get him to stay.

I sigh, trying to let it not get the best of me. As I turn on the television, I decide to start with Netflix.

"Today feels like a supernatural type of day" I smile as I go over to search. As I start to type in Super... WHAT DO YOU MEAN NO RESULTS FOUND!!" I yell. "I MEAN ITS ONLY THE BEST SHOW EVER KNOWN," I gesture to the tv, pouting as I sulk down into the covers and sheets. "I'm going to sue!" I state exiting Netflix.

"Of course, the DVR is only filled with mostly soccer."

"You mean football" I hear Hero's voice correct my thoughts as if he were beside me.

I read through the names, clicking on the second one. Who knows, I might become a fan, and Hero shouldn't be gone for long anyway; I'm sure I can manage.

"It's just men kicking a ball, right?"

"You know this Declan guy isn't half bad! I mean, I'm not too sure about what he's doing, but at least he makes it interesting. Not to mention he's wearing red cleats. I mean, come on! You're just asking for me to love you, bro!" I declare openly to the tv as I watch the back-and-forth between the two teams. I have to admit I like it a little bit more than I thought I would.

"Yellow card, I don't think that's a good thing," I mutter. "I mean, that guy isn't happy whoever he is. However, I'm pretty sure he's on the opposite side. " I mumble, trying to make sense of it all.

"This would be a lot easier if Hero were here" I tap my phone, making the screen light up. "Twenty minutes already."


Come on, Jo, please!!"

I hear Jess plead from the bedroom as I finish up her omelet. It took me a whole ten minutes to talk her down. Then another five to talk her into staying in bed and letting me cook her breakfast.

Taking Diesel out took a little longer than expected; hungry Jess is not a happy Jess. Nevertheless, when you mix it with impatientness, it's a lot more tricky to get a word in. Thankfully Jo called, so I think she gave in to take the call.

"I don't want to intrude," Jo counters. "A hotel is fine."

"You wouldn't be," Jess pauses momentarily, and I already know what's coming next as I flip the eggs. Mouthing it as she shouts it as if I'm twenty-five feet from her. "HERO, TELL JO SHE CAN STAY WITH US!!!"

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