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A modest dim spreads across my eyelids. As I feel my eyes dart back and forth against them. The sunlight must be lightly starting to enter the room, and as much as I love my bedroom window.

We need to remember to pull the curtain next time. Opening one eye, feeling as though I will be blinded if I open both. I peek to see golden-like rays dancing along the window seal before rolling over onto my back.

Giving my eyes a quick rub, removing the leftover sleep from them. I drag my hands from my face, my vision coming into focus as I glance at the clock.

"6:30 am," I mutter as I roll back on my side. My eyes close again as I adjust the covers.

"Morning," Hero hums as his arms wrap around my waist, pulling me closer.

"Morning," I retort, my body relaxing into his. "You forgot to pull the curtain again." I smile as his head finds my shoulder, and I lace my fingers with his.

"I was otherwise occupied by more important matters." The cheekiness, along with the sleepiness in his voice, makes me blush.

We lay there for a few more minutes before my phone breaks the silence. Its vibration makes contact with the wood of the bedside table.

"No phones before 8 am," he protests, keeping a light but firm grip around me.

"But what if it's .. he not going to let up till he—"

"Already taken care of," he interrupts, causing me to sigh. I move his hands, allowing me to move so I can face him.

"This isn't just about them not approving anymore. I don't think you realize how serious this can get. Adam has connections, so many connections." I hear my voice go soft. "You can't challenge him like that!" I start to ramble. He just going to retaliate, and I can't—

"Do me a favor?" He asks, meeting my gaze. "No, Dad talk in bed, yeah?"

"But we need to be—" he cuts me off with his lips meeting mine.

"The front desk knows. I made a list of the accepted people and dropped it off last night as I was bringing Diesel back from going out." He replies, pulling me to his chest.

"A piece of paper isn't going to stop him" I look down as I lay my head on his chest. "I'm scared, Hero, we're being followed! He has never done that before." Shame penetrates my voice and leaves a pit in my stomach, big enough to almost make me sick. "I don't want you to suffer in any way because of me. My voice cracks. "However, at the same time, I don't want to lose this."

I feel his fingers tips gently come in contact with my hair as he says, "Have a little faith. You know I always got you."


"That's great, Jay!" I hear Hero announce excitedly as JJ continues to talk about her school project.

"I'm a little nervous, though," she admits shyly.

"Awe, don't be nervous," he smiles. You're going to be great! I watch his dimples come into play to reinsure her, and I can't help but giggle.

"And I even got an A+ on my math test! She adds with pride as my phone pings. I press the notification causing insta to open.

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