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I hear the driver clear his throat "sir, we're here" I guess he has already said it once, considering his tone of voice. The seat beside me comes into focus as I'm coming out of the daze I have been in since I left the lot. I had gotten so used to seeing it out of place, so used to seeing her sitting next to me that it was almost like a foreign object. I apologize and then thank him as I grab my bag getting out of the car.

I had to leave Jess in the room since they needed me sooner than I expected on set. Our goodbye was quick and the last thing I wanted.

Her trying her hardest not to cry as I get ready and being understanding like she always is when it comes to my work. Now I'm dreading going back to our..my empty room.

The guys invited me out, but I don't feel like it. The first night is always the hardest for the both of us. Jess has a better poker face than I do. I drag my feet as they get closer and closer to my room, sliding the key down and pushing the door open.

I switch on the lights, sighing, dropping my bag, and moving to the table. I see a piece of paper with my necklace on it. "I told her to take this with her," I mumble, moving it as I sit down on the bed, taking the piece of paper with me and closing my eyes, and for a second, it's almost like I can feel her.

She would come up behind me "stop it," I imagine it coming out softly as she would wrap her arms around me, placing her head on my shoulder "it's only a couple of weeks, Tiffin," I feel my body relax as I open my eyes glancing down.

I know you told me to take this with me, but I took a couple of your shirts instead since they are the cheapest thing you have in your closet. Mr. "I'm not famous" text me whenever you can

love you,

I can see her smiling while adding a slight eye roll as she writes the "I'm not famous" line, which only makes me miss her more I kick my shoes off, pulling my phone out. She should at least be at the hotel by now.

This is coming from someone with a four hundred dollar hairdryer 🙄 you know I feel better when you have my necklace with you, and I love you

I watch as the blue bubble pops into place and smile when I see the grey bubbles pop up

Don't hate on my hairdryer Tiffin and I'll be okay. How was the rest of your day?

I hit call. I know she prefers texting, but I need her voice right now

"yes" I can hear the smirk in her voice

"it sucked," I pout as she giggles

"no, it didn't."

"did, too everyone kept asking about you, which only made me miss you more."

"I miss you too."

"Are you at the hotel?

"yeah, me and Kristen are watching a movie; well, we were. She's asleep now."

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