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"That'll be all, Melody," my mother states as she makes eye contact.

"Yes, miss," Melody replies quietly

"Later, Mel!" I smile as I wave. "It has been a pleasure!" I add as the door closes.

"Are you using?" She asks, unimpressed by my outfit as she walks back to her desk. "And what is with this look? What would you call this? Hood chic?"

"Hi Jessica, you look nice today; why thank you, Mother!" I state as I move over to the slim table.

"Are you using?" She inserts again. This time as more of a demand than a question.

"What's this about?" I hold up the light pink ball, then realize it's a ball of rubber bands. I pull one from around it placing it around my wrist, sitting it back down.

"Stop that!" Maria huffs as she stops me from messing with her matching typewriter. "Are you going to answer the question?"

"Do you think Hero would still be with me? If I was?"

"Does he even know?" I can't help but laugh lightly at her counter.

"Yes, he knows, and no, I'm clean, thanks." I move back to the front of her desk. "Not that any of that matters to you."

"Why are you here? Or did you not get that I want nothing to do with you." She says as she sits.

"About that" I start pulling at the rubberband, letting it go so it snaps back against my skin. "What do I have to do to make this go away? I'm sure there's something you two want that I can sell my soul for."

"We have already given you our terms," she replies as she taps her paperwork on her desk before placing it into the folder.

"Yeah, see, that's not going to work for me. I happen to like it here. So I'll ask—"

"And just exactly why do you like it here?" She cuts me off. "Oh right, your boyfriend is here, along with his family and friends. You must feel so welcome! Where is that amazing boyfriend of yours, by the way?" she smiles.

"Why do you care?" I snap the rubberband again, trying not to let her words affect me.

"Just curious cause he seems to be very taken with one person in particular, and last time I checked, you can't be in two places at once, nor are you—"

"It's called friends; you know something you don't have" I lock eyes with her.

"Friends," she scoffs as she places her hand over her mouse, her icy blues focusing on the screen. "Friends, you say?" she beams as she turns the screen around, and my eyes follow. "His hand seems comfortable over her shoulder, not to mention the smile on his face as they walk down the sidewalk. I guess when you can't get what you need at home, you go elsewhere."

"I'll repeat it. She's a friend, end of story."

"When was the last time he smiled like that with you that way?" she asks, smirking at me. "Careful now before you answer. Remember, I see and hear everything!"

"You're fucked up. You know that" I can't help but laugh again. "Like, really, are you that fucking miserable? With all this?" I gesture, looking around. "I guess it's true what they say money really can't buy you happiness, can it?"

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