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"I want to go. Why can't we go? It's not that big of a deal. It's just one meal," Jess groans. "You go out with your friends a lot back in London. How is this any different? Are you ashamed of me or something? I mean, like out in actual public" she looks down at her hands.

"Not as much as I used to, and don't be ridiculous. You know it has nothing to do with that," I reply sharply, rolling my eyes at her.

"Then why?" she asks again.

All I can do is shrug at her. Of course, I have a reason, but she wouldn't understand it. She'd say she could handle it, and she probably could but at the same time. We have talked about this, and she doesn't want to be in the media, and if I'm being truly honest, I don't want her to be either, but all it takes is one picture of me either looking at her or touching her and everyone going to know. Then the craziness will begin. All the searching for everything attached to her, they'll find out about her past, and she doesn't deserve that.

"If this is about the media thing, we just won't do PDA," she shrugs while saying it so simply like it's no big deal.

Maybe she doesn't love me as I thought...

All I ever get is I know like we're in a fucking star wars loop or something. I know I said there was no rush, but I thought it would be sooner than later, and now we only have three full days left.

Three days till she leaves me again, three days till she goes back to hanging out with Alexis. Just that thought alone is enough to piss me off. I don't care what he says. I don't buy this. I'm sorry shit. I wouldn't be surprised if he's planning something.

We haven't even discussed London yet, and I want to have that talk face-to-face. How is she not anxious when it comes to any of this? Any other girl would be giving me shit about now, but she could care less.

"Hero, we can't just stay locked away the whole time Jo invited us. It would be rude not to go after already agreeing to"

I look at her, hoping she doesn't realize I haven't heard half of what she's been talking about till now.

"You agreed I didn't," I mumble, causing her eyebrow to raise.

"We can either go together, or you can stay here" she crosses her arms "either way, I'm going."


"Omg, no way!"


"And you just.."


Jo laughs, and Jess laughs with her as I lean into the back of the seat. Don't get me wrong. I'm glad she's having fun. I prefer to sit next to her, but Jo got there first, and I didn't feel like talking her out of it.

Stop pouting

I'm not

Yes, you are. I can feel your
pouty vibes from here 😆

I just wanted to
sit next you

Tiffin, it's just one car ride
you can sit next to me
in the restaurant

you said no
PDA remember

yeah, but we can still
sit next to each other

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