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"Every time I see you, your hands are on your face. I hope you're not upset again," he says, smiling.

"Wait, Jess, when were you upset? What did I miss?" Kristen breaks in.

"I'll tell you later," I say, looking at her with a please drop it expression. "So, what are you doing here?" I ask, then regret it because, of course, he's here to eat, plus its really none of my business.

"Just waiting on a friend." The fangirl in me wonders if it's Josephine because I know they've started filming after we collided.

"That's cool. We were trying to decide what to eat," I say instead and then add, "you're welcome to sit with us while you wait if you want."

"Thanks," he sits down across from me.

"I need to use the restroom," Kristen says, getting up and smiling.

Hero lets out a small chuckle. "Geez, can she be any more noticeable?! I'm sorry for that," I groan.

"Don't worry about it. I'm used to it. Is that your sister?" he asks.

"Nope. She's my best friend/aid."

I notice the confusion on his face, but he doesn't want to come off as rude.

"She helps me with day-to-day things, you know, because of the wheelchair."

Looking relieved that I answered his question for him, he says, "she seems pretty cool."

"Yeah, she is," I agree.

"Can I ask you something, though? It's kinda been bugging me since I saw you."

I automatically get nervous thinking, here comes the whole 'what happened to you?'  I don't mind answering; it always gets asked sooner or later. I didn't expect it so soon or ever; it's not like I have a real chance with him.

"Yeah, sure."

"Why were you so upset earlier today?" I look at him surprisingly as he notices my reaction. "Of course, it's none of my business; you don't have to answer; it was just difficult to see, honestly."

"It's okay; I wasn't expecting that to be your question. I was upset about my mom. We don't get along all that well. I guess I'm not what—"

"You guys making out yet?" Kristen laughs and sits down. I roll my eyes.

Hero blushes, then say, "Jessica was just telling me about her mum."

"Ugh, that woman is such a fun sucker. Disney doesn't even like her," Kristen says while rolling her eyes.

Hero starts laughing, which makes me laugh. "You sure your friend is still coming?" I ask, trying to change the subject.

"Doesn't look like it. What are you trying to get rid of me? I thought you'd want me to stick around since I'm so gorgeous and tall," he jokes, smiling at me.

"I was stating facts. I mean, you are a model," I joke back.

"Well, while you guys have this lovely conversation, I'm ordering food. Jess, do you want the usual?" Kristen asks, getting up.


"Hero, can I order you anything?"

"Uh, I guess I'll take a Philly cheesesteak," he says, pulling out his wallet.

"Don't worry about it. I got it," she says, putting her hand up.

"No way; what kind of guy you take me for? It's on me."

"Fine, fine, Mr. Macho," she says, taking his money.

While we're waiting, a girl comes up to us.  "Excuse me, can I get a picture with you?" she asks nervously.

"Yeah, of course," Hero says, standing up. They both make funny faces as Hero takes the picture.

She says thank you while hugging him. "Is Jo here?" she asks with hopeful eyes.

"No, sorry," he lightly smiles.

"Oh," she answers, looking disappointed. She looks at me then, confused, which makes me look down at my fingers.

She gives Hero another hug. "Tell Jo I said hi, and I love her," she says, walking away.

"Sure thing," he smiles, sitting back down. "Sorry about that."

"Don't worry about it; I get it, honestly," I shrug. "I love how you are with your fans; you're so humble and grateful; it's cute," I say softly. 

"Thanks, but I meant..." he stops.

"Oh, the look? Don't worry about it. I'm used to that," I laugh a little

"Believe it or not, I get it. I mean, I know the circumstances are different, but you kinda get used to it after a while," he says, looking at me.

I'd never thought about it like that because I'm a fan, too, but he has a point.

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