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Hero, is that you? It sounds like you, but you sound so far away and angry why are you angry? I try to open my eyes but can't.

"Do me a favor and stay the fuck away from her!" his angry yet muffled voice says

It feels like I'm drifting, almost like I'm underwater, but there's no bottom, just darkness


Why isn't he answering me? doesn't he hear me?


"If that's what I must do to keep her away from you! I'll gladly do it. Don't fucking test me! It's a miracle she turned out as well, as she did no thanks to you two."

Muffled responses are all I continue to hear. Why can't I open my fucking eyes? Why can't I fucking speak?

I feel myself drifting farther and farther into the darkness. Maybe this is it; perhaps this is how it's supposed to be. I am tired after all..so tired of it all.

"What about Hero, though?" I hear a female voice say; the voice gives me a sense of comfort and familiarity, almost as if she's right next to me.

Flashes of his face appear as if they're right in front of me, memories of us together, memories of us with our friends

"Isn't he worth living for?" she asks again "aren't they?"

•three hours ago•


"I just don't know why you have to wear all of that just because your mum wants you to," Hero says as he gestures to my full face of makeup "you're so beautiful without it" I roll my eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me, not today," I sigh as I pull my hair up into a stylish bun, leaving a couple of stands on each side. He has been on edge all morning, not that I blame him.

 He has been on edge all morning, not that I blame him

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I turn to face him. He has been standing in the doorway since I started my makeup. "Well, how do I look?" I ask, forcing myself to smile.

His eyes are dark and far from being the emerald green they usually are as they look me up and down.

"I know the shoes don't necessarily go, and my hair—" I ramble, but he cuts me off.

"They're perfect, and you look stunning!" His words wash over me, giving me a sense of relaxation.

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