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I wake up to my phone buzzing under my pillow; groaning, I pull it from underneath, glancing at the time as I put it back down, my hand still over it as it buzzes again. I raise it blinking a couple of times as my eyes focus and my phone unlocks.


Wanted to say good
morning I know you're probably
asleep on my way to the set

I'm not sure why but solace washes over me, and before I realize it, I have a slight smile on my lips as I reply.

Morning hope you have
an easygoing day on set

Did I wake you? You're going to that
con thing again today, right?

Yeah, but it's
okay, and I can't...

Why not?

long story 🙄🙄 I kinda
got kicked out

What for? If that asshole
did something I swear

He didn't; it's not a
big deal. I'm okay, don't worry

I'm going to call you when I
get a break, so please turn
your volume up, ok?

Yes, sir (salutes you), can you believe
there's no emoji for that? I mean theirs
a ball of yarn emoji. Who's going to use that?

Jess, I'm serious

Tiffin, lighten up. I promise I'm fine, well
as fine as I can be since you're not here
acting all goofy, being the total mood
that you are, lol now go work your
magic, and yes, I'll turn up the
volume on my phone.



I step into my trailer and walking over to the small sofa; sitting down, I pull out my phone, replying to some texts from friends while waiting for them to call me back to sit once Inanna finishes up some of her scenes. She said she was okay, I reminded myself.

Why would they kick her out, though? This question has been in the back of my mind all day.

"What's up?" Jo says as she walks in, closing the door behind her

I glance over at her "nothing much, just waiting to get called back to set," I reply, leaning into the sofa even more.

"What's with this face? are you still worried about Jessica?" She asks, sitting down.

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