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I don't want to mess with your career," she says, her voice so full of disappointment, almost like she feels she doesn't deserve it, but why wouldn't she? I take her hand, lacing my fingers with hers.

"Let me worry about my career, okay?"

"You've worked hard, and it's starting to pick up, Hero."

"Do you feel the same way?" She nods.

"Don't you think we owe it to ourselves to try?"

"You're leaving in three days."

I can hear the sadness in her voice, even though she's trying her hardest to hide it.

"I know, and my timing sucks, but you don't know till you try" I smile at her knowing the effect it has on her.

"That's not fair," she says, trying to sound mad.

"Come on; you can't get mad at this face," I smirk, and she laughs and then rolls her eyes.

"We're closing, guys," a girl says, walking up to the table; she looks at Jess, smiling then at me, "omg aren't you Hero Fiennes Tiffin?" she asks excitedly "can I get a picture with you?"

"Sure" I stand up, and she gets close, wrapping her arms around me.

"I can take it," Jess volunteers noticing the height difference.

"Yes, please" the girl hands Jess her phone, and she  backs up, looking at the screen

"Say cheese," Jess smiles, her face lighting up; her reaction makes me smile as she snaps a few pictures.

The girl says thanks to the both of us, hugging me once more before she leaves.

"Where's Kristen?" I ask, holding the door open for Jess.

"Probably in the car talking to Stella," she says, starting to head that way.

When we get to the car, I go up to the window knocking on the driver's side. Kristen jumps, turning her head in my direction.

"Geez, man, don't do that!!" she yells.

"Sorry," I laugh, backing up so she can open the door.

"Jess, I'm going to kill him; he tried to give me a heart attack" she looks at me, pushing me playfully.

"But he's so cute; just look at him; why would you kill that face?" Jess smiles, looking up at me.

"Oh god, you two are insane; get your asses in the car," Kristen laughs.

On the way back, I reach over and grab Jess's hand, kissing the top of it. She looks down at our hands together, then backs up at me and smiles.

"See you tomorrow?" Jess asks as I walk her to the door.

"Yeah, just text me" I bend down to hug her.

"Thanks again," she says softly, hugging me tighter.

"Anytime," I smile, kissing her forehead before leaving.

As I'm driving back to Evan's, I can't help but wonder what Jess meant by she's complicated.

You know what she means.


I wake up the next morning around ten and grab my phone from the table. No texts from Jess; she's probably still sleeping; she's not a morning person.

I used to call her sometimes on my lunch break, not realizing it was 10 am LA time, and would always feel bad about waking her, but she'd always say, "it's okay; how's your day so far?" it would always make me smile because I'd try to let her go back to sleep, but she'd swear she was awake.

As I'm checking my voicemails, I see one from my agent, so I call him back.

"Hey Hero, how's your
morning going?"

"Good, thanks"

"Good, I just wanted to tell you that
you got the role for Brooks; we are still
working out some of the details but
I do know filming will be in Canada."

"Thats great thank
you so much!"

"It was all you. I just
set it up. congratulations!!"

While talking about a couple more opportunities, my phone buzzes, so I switch to the speaker and pull down my notifications bar, tapping it.

While talking about a couple more opportunities, my phone buzzes, so I switch to the speaker and pull down my notifications bar, tapping it

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come over whenever
you're ready 🙂

Okay, on the phone with my
agent; I have news.🚀

I can't wait to hear it. I hope
it's good news 😉

I finish up the call and then take a quick shower before heading out.

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