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[ Your P.O.V ]

My life is what you call useless.

My parents didn't love me.

I had a huge scar somewhere in my body.

I'm a ghoul who can't even eat a human.

I'm just a mistake.

"Hey! It's a ghoul!" A voice suddenly echoed and footsteps grew louder.

I looked around the sky and smiled.

I'm finally gonna be set free.

I stopped walking and turned to face the ghoul investigators as they stopped infront of me, preparing their kagune weapons.

They looked at each other with a confused look as if saying, "Why isn't it attacking us?"

This is it, the pain is finally gonna come to an end.

"Kyaaa!" The first investigator charged at me and managed to hit me in my arm.

Blood started to flow out of my arm and I just stood there silently.

Soon, the other investigator joined his partner as he knew that I was an easy prey.

"Kyaa-aahh! Ashikawa!" The second investigator started spewing blood out and I noticed a kagune sticking in his stomach.

Tears started welling up in my eyes.

No, no, no. They're my only chance to escape this hell of a world.

"Stop it!" I yelled at the other ghoul who was now snapping the neck of the second investigator.

The first investigator looked furious since his partner is now dead and decided to charge towards me again but this time, hitting me in the stomach.

I fell down the ground and stared at the blood pooling around me.

The noise stopped for a minute and all I could hear is the sound of the first investigator's ribs cracking.



I quickly scrambled up and rushed to the investigators, ignoring the ghoul who had killed them.

"Please be alive." I whispered to them while shaking their dead bodies.

"What the fuck are you trying to do?" I heard a voice behind me and then I was back lying in the floor again.

I raised my knees up to my chest and my mind did the ding sound when you get an idea.

They must have a knife.

I stood up, went straight to them and searched for a knife.


I smiled and closed my eyes, raising the knife to my stomach.


I stabbed myself.


I stabbed myself again.


And again.


And again.

I raised the knife again when a hand grabbed my wrist.

"What the fuck are you doing?! As much as I would want every ghoul I don't know die, you can't kill yourself!" The blue-haired ghoul said.

He then grabbed the knife and threw it far from us.

"No!" The knife fell into the water and I clutched my bleeding stomach, preparing my feet to run.

"Stop it!" The blue-haired ghoul pinned me to the ground and stared straight into my eyes.

"No, I have to die. I can't take it anymore. I'm just a waste of space. The pain is too much. Please kill me, please." By now, my eyes and the niagra falls are completely the same.

The ghoul's eyes softened and I felt my vision fade slowly.

And the last thing I know was I was being carried to somewhere.

[ A/N ]

A/N's are always lowercase intended.

ello fellow ayato fangirls! this is the first chapter which means this crappy book of mine will get better!

remember: You matter and I love you :) x

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