TAG: ten

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[ Your P.O.V ]

"[Y/N]-chan, you need to come home quick!" Hinami yelled over the phone.

I cringed.

Yes, cringed.

"Why should I?" I asked her.

"Because Kaneki is here."

I dropped my bag.


"Kaneki is here."

I looked at Ayato and looked at the way back to Anteiku.

"I'll be there."

I grabbed my things and Ayato noticed.

"Are you going already?" He asked with a frown.

"I'm sorry, I have to. There's some important stuff back at the cafe." I stated and began running back to Anteiku.

Minutes later...

"Kaneki?!" I yelled when I entered the cafe.

The staff and customers looked at me with a look.

It wasn't a normal look.

It was the 'she's crazy' look.

I bowed my head as if saying sorry and headed to Yoshimura's office.

"Yoshimura? Where is Kaneki?" I knocked on the door loudly.

The door clicked open revealing a calm looking Yoshimura.

"He just left."


I dropped my bag and left the cafe in search for the white-haired ghoul.

"Kane-" I almost yelled but stopped when I spotted Touka and Kaneki talking at the bridge.

"Don't ever come back to Anteiku again!" Touka yelled while punching Kaneki.

I flinched.

What happened?

Touka walked calmly down the stairs and continued walking to Anteiku, looking like she was gonna burst out any moment. I wanted to comfort her but..

"Bakaneki!" I yelled and Kaneki's form stiffened. I ran towards him, almost tripping whilst going up the stairs to the bridge.


"You aren't coming back anymore?" I tilted my head.


"Hey, Touka didn't mean what she said." I patted him in the shoulders.

"I need to leave." He began walking away but I grabbed his wrist.

"Take care, Kaneki." I hugged him from behind.

He stayed for a second but he was gone after that.

I looked down the ground and saw something.

Kaneki's tears.

I walked down the bridge and entered Anteiku. I didn't even notice that I was crying until Hinami wiped the tears away from my eyes.

"Did you see big brother?"

I nodded.

"Is he coming back?"

I shook my head.

She stepped back and excused herself before running to her room.

I walked up to my room and went out to the balcony.

A hand suddenly touched my shoulders and I didn't bother flinching.

"If you're gonna kill me, might as well do it fast." I muttered while I stared at the sky.

"Why are you like this again?"

My eyes widened.


"A-ayato?!" I faced him.

"[Y/N], don't be like that. I will have no one left in my life if you die." He hugged me.

"Kaneki's not coming back anymore. He's staying with you guys." I cried unto his coat.

"Then come join Aogiri." I heard a voice say.

A girl covered in a wrap with a hoodie which has floppy ears appeared behind Ayato.

"Eto." I heard Ayato mumble.

"J-join Aogiri? B-but it means I'll be leaving Anteiku also."

"Anteiku's gonna die soon. Their weak. They can't protect themselves because they won't kill. One by one you will lose someone, leaving you alone. In Aogiri, you won't be alone. We will be fighting side by side together. You won't lose someone. We are stronger than Anteiku." Eto says.

If I join Aogiri, I will leave my family but if I don't I will lose my family.

I will leave Anteiku but I will be back when I'm stronger.

I nodded my head.

I heard Eto giggle.

"Welcome to Aogiri."

[ A/N ]


A lot of you are silent readers so.. HELLO :D

Anyways, please vote? hehe.

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