TAG: five point two

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[ Ayato's P.O.V ]


I stared out the window and rolled my eyes.

Goddamn professor won't dismiss us early.

I should just finish his life.

I stopped staring out the window and eyed everyone in the classroom. A crumpled paper hitting someone's head caught my attention.

[Y/N]'s head to be exact.

I followed the direction where the crumpled paper came from.

Hideyosi Nagachika.

I put my attention back to [Y/N] and watched her read the uncrumpled paper. She turned to look at him and gave him a thumbs up whilst smiling.

Did he just ask her out?

That little..

My hands clenched and I probably focused too much on [Y/N] and that Hideyoshi guy because the next thing I know is everyone is rushing out of the classroom.

I watched [Y/N] as Hideyoshi held her wrist and walked with her somewhere. I grabbed my stuff and followed them.

Hey, it isn't called stalking. It's simply just observing from afar.

They went inside the cafeteria and sat down. They talked and talked and that guy seemed tense for a minute but he quickly relaxed after [Y/N] said something. The guy must have said something that was unexpected because [Y/N] looked like she choked on something. Then yadda yadda yadda they kept talking and left the cafeteria afterwards.

What did they talk about?

I followed her home and hid in a leafy tree just across Anteiku.

She entered Anteiku and I saw my idiot of a sister push her away from something. I lowered myself a little to see what it was and saw that it was Kaneki and that Nishiki guy. They were pretty bloody. [Y/N] helped the Nishiki guy stand up and guided him somewhere and then Touka closed the front door of Anteiku.


It became night time and I saw a light open up through a window. I saw someone moving.


She seemed to place the guy in a bed.

I wonder if they're together? Nah, [Y/N] wouldn't settle with a guy like him.


[Y/N] opened the door to the balcony and she looked up the sky and smiled. She sat on a chair and closed her eyes after and murmured something I couldn't hear.

I wonder what she said.

A sudden wind hit my face.

"Ne, Ayato, do you like that girl?"

I jumped in surprise and almost fell from the tree branch.

"Eto you Baka!" I clutched my heart and facepalmed myself.

"Answer me Ayato."

"How do you know if you like someone, Eto?"

She chuckled. "When your heart races whenever you see her and you just want to be with the her."

I looked up the sky and smiled.

"Maybe I do like her."

[ A/N ]

Every chapter with 'point two' following will be Ayato's P.O.V, okay? okay.

Also, some of Ayato's P.O.V might be short, sorry.

Also, Happy 100+ reads to me :)

I'm srsly crying rn. Thanks x

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