TAG: twenty

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[ Your P.O.V ]

Ayato kept looking at me with a smirk. I glared at him to knock it off but he didn't even stop.

"What's your problem, Bakayato?"

He continued smirking and winked at me. "Nothing much, princess."

I felt heat creep up my cheeks and I turned my back to him. "Whatever, I'm going to get ready for later." I stood up and prepared my new set of fighting clothes. "I bet you look hot in that, [Y/N]. I might not be able to focus fighting the investigators."

I sighed and rolled my eyes, walking towards the bathroom. "Stop being horny, Ayato."

He chuckled huskily and whistled. "Hey babydoll, can I change with you?"

I finished changing clothes and walked out of the bathroom. "Go get dressed you horndog."

"Fine but we're going to practice afterwards." I raised my brow at him. "But we have to go after-"

"No, they can wait." He winked again and walked towards the bathroom with his fighting clothes.

I went towards the rooftop and sat on the edge, dangling my legs playfully. The cold air of tokyo caressed my face gently and I closed my eyes to enjoy the moment.


I felt my heart leap out of my chest and I quickly put my hand over it.

"Jeez, that gave me a heart attack."

Ayato pressed a kiss on my neck and sat next to me. I opened my eyes and turned my head to look at him. He had his eyes closed and the wind gently blew his hair away from his eyes. I smiled at his peaceful-looking face and planted a sweet yet quick kiss on his cheek. He opened his eyes and stared at me, blushing a little. I leaned against him and used his shoulder as a rest for my head.

"I wish the world is like this everyday."

"Like what?"

"You know, peaceful."

"Well, I feel peaceful whenever I'm with you." He mumbled and put his arm around me.

Blood rushed to my cheeks and I hid my face with my hands. "W-whatever, let's go and practice."

I started to move away but he held me closer. "No, I want to spend more time with you before we head out."


"I don't know what will happen today, [Y/N]. I might get injured today or you might be injured today or one of us will..." He muttered and caressed my shoulder with his thumb.

I frowned a little and looked up at him. "No matter what happens today, I'll still love you and I'll take care of you if you get injured today."

He looked down on me, our noses touching.

"I'll protect you no matter what happens." He kissed the tip of my nose, smiling lovingly afterwards.

"[Y/N], if we survive the big battle.. will you marry me?"

My eyes widened and I felt the world go in slow motion.


"I said, after the battle, would you like to make me the happiest ghoul alive and marry me?"

I breathed slowly and nodded.


He grinned at me and tucked the stray piece of hair behind my ear.

"Don't worry, this isn't my final proposal yet. I'll propose to you after the fight."

"Aw, how sweet~" A voice suddenly cooed out of nowhere.

Ayato looked startled for a second and rolled his eyes.

"Eto, what are you doing here?"

Eto giggled and skipped around the rooftop playfully. "Noro told me to tell you guys that we're moving the fight tomorrow which means that you guys can still.. do things until tomorrow."

She began skipping away from us.

"But, please don't break the bed. How are you guys going to make babies after your honeymoon if it's broken? Anyways, bye~"

[ A/N ]


Sorry for the v late update.

Love you guys! :)

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