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[ Your P.O.V ]

One week later...

It's been one week and I've gotten close with everyone in Anteiku and I've gotten better.


Touka, Kaneki, Nishiki, Kimii and a blonde guy walked in.

"Ohayō Touka, Kaneki, Nishiki and..?" I greeted with a smile.

"Hide, my name is Hide." The blonde guy held his hand out and I shook it.

"Kaneki, you didn't tell me you have a hot friend." He whispered to Kaneki but I'm pretty sure everyone heard it.

"Hide meet [Y/N], [Y/N] meet Hide." Kaneki chirped and I smiled at Hide.

"Nice to meet you." Hide blushed.

"Nice to meet you also and uh, you have a beautiful name."

"Arigatō, Hide."

"Looks like Hide likes [Y/N] eh?" Nishiki and Kimii teased and Hide's cheeks grew redder.

"Anyways, wanna go walk with us outside?" Touka asked and I gladly accepted it.

We walked out of the shop together and walked down the street. We walked and walked until we reached a forest.

"Hey! Let's play Hide and Seek!" Hide suggested and everyone agreed.

"Who's it?" Kimii asked and Nishiki smirked.

"The one who suggested the game's it." Nishiki said and everyone laughed.

"Yeah!" Everyone except Hide said in unison.

"Aw man." Hide sighed and began counting with his eyes closed.


Nishiki and Kimii hid in a bush.


Kaneki climbed a tree.


Touka hid in a series of large rocks.


I ran and bumped into someone.


I opened my mouth to scream but that someone held a hand over my mouth.

"Ready or not.. here I come!"

I looked over to the person that was covering my mouth and recognized him.

It was the guy that saved me.

He removed his hand and pulled me into a series of trees.

"Why-" I began to speak but he cut me off. "You're playing Hide and Seek right? You would've been caught if I left you there."

I closed my mouth and hugged him.

"Arigatō." I mumbled against his black coat.

The person tensed but relaxed after. "For what?"

I looked up at him a smile etched in my face.

"For saving me."

His cheeks became red and he patted me on my head.

"I was only stopping you from being an idiot."

I pulled back and chuckled.

"Whatever floats your boat." I stuck my hand out. "I'm [Y/N] by the way."

He stuck his hand out also. "Ayato."

My eyes widened. "You're Touka's brother."

He stiffened and his eyes turned cold. "Don't mention my stupid sister."

I flinched. "S-sorry."

"[Y/N]! Where are you? I've caught everyone except you!" Hide yelled.

I walked towards an open area where Hide can see me. "See you around, Aya-" But when I turned around, he was already gone.

Hide spotted me and ran towards me. "Were you talking to someone, [Y/N]?"

I shook my head.

"You must've been hearing things, Hide."

[ A/N ]

I passed by an old lady who had red hair.

May god bless her soul.

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