TAG: twenty-five

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[ A/N ]

Skipping the wedding scene because I can't really write wedding scenes.

So, this is the end.

Thank you for everything.


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[ Your POV ]

1 year later..

The moon's light lit the room and the wind made the atmosphere more peaceful. The stars caught my attention and I smiled, propping my elbows against the window's rest and resting my chin on the top of my hands. The cold wind brushed against my bar shoulders, making me shiver. I pulled the warm blanket closer to myself and let out a relieved sigh.

I felt a pair of lips on my shoulders and I jumped a little at the sensation. "Why are you up? You looked cute whilst sleeping." I mumbled.

"I missed you, brat." He placed light kisses on my neck and hugged me from behind.

"Missed me already? Didn't think you'd be the clingy type, Bakayato." I teased him and then I felt a little bit pain on my neck.

"Ayato, are you a rabbit? Because you really like biting me." I giggled and he groaned.

"Tch, I woke up because of you." He reasoned out with his husky voice.

"Because of me? Eh, what did I do?" I turned around to look at him and he buried his head on the crook of my neck, his arms still around my waist.

"You wouldn't get out of my head, silly brat."

"You're so cheesy. Are you sick?" I jokingly checked his temperature and he groaned again.

"I also remembered our honeymoon." He lifted his head up.

"Ohh, Mr. Kirishima is horny, eh?" I nibbled on his ear and he grunted in response.

"S-shut up, loser." I felt him grind his hips against me and I moved my lips down to his neck, completely attacking it with love bites.

"How about this, Bakayato. I'll be the dominate one this time, hmm?" I looked up at his eyes.

The Arrogant Ghoul [Ayato Kirishima X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now