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[ Your POV ]

It's been a lot of years since we got married and now, we have 2 wonderful brats that we like to call our children.

Aya, our youngest child, looked like me. She inherited my [H/C] hair and [E/C] eyes. She is now turning seven.

"Mama! Mama! Where is papa?" She raised her open arms up towards me and clung to my waist.

"He's coming home, Aya. Just wait." I smiled and stroked her hair gently.

I heard the sound of the door knob jiggling and the door opening.

"Mom! Dad's here!" Kaito, our oldest child, yelled and rushed towards the door.

"Dad! Can I please please please go out with Takane?" He got on his knees and begged.

Kaito looked just like Ayato with his blue hair except he had my [E/C] eyes. He had just recently turned fifteen and finally hit puberty.

"Ne, Eto and Tatara's daughter?" Ayato raised his eyebrow at him.

"Y-yeah, we've been dating for a while.." Kaito shyly admitted, blood rushing to his cheeks.

"How cute~ My son is finally a man~" I teased Kaito and pinched his cheeks.

Ayato still hasn't replied and Kaito looked like his soul was going to leave his body any minute now.

"C'mon, Bakayato. Let him go. He's not our baby boy anymore." I caressed Ayato's cheek with my thumb and he looked like he was going to burst into tears.

"Fine. Stay safe, eh?" Ayato smirked.

"W-we're just going out! W-whatever, dad!" Kaito quickly left and Aya gripped on the end of my shirt.

"Mama, is Kanae coming over?" She looked at me with puppy dog eyes.

"Of course! Even Teto is coming over." I beamed at her and she let go of my shirt and ran around the house, her hands up in the air.

"Yay~ Thank you, Mama!" She stopped running and gave me a hug.

Ding dong.

"That must be them. Go let them inside, Aya."

She nodded obediently whilst Ayato and I sat down the couch, cuddling each other.

"Mama! Papa! Aunt Eto, Aunt Touka, Uncle Tatara and Uncle Haise is here too!" Everyone got inside the house and I hugged them.

The Arrogant Ghoul [Ayato Kirishima X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now