TAG: four

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[ Your P.O.V ]

I arrived at Yamii University and all I can hear is squealing.

"Kyaa! Did you see the new student? He's so hot!"

"Yeah! I hope he notices me!"

"I'd totally bed him!"

"Uwaaah! He's coming this way!"

"Is my make-up alright?"

I rolled my eyes at the girl and wanted to tell her that she looks like a clown. I looked around and noticed every girl around me pushed their boobs up and pulled their skirts up. Everyone stepped aside as the new student passed by.


I clutched my bag and walked to the library.

He might be mad at me.

I grabbed a random book and sat on a chair. I flipped it open and stared at my bag.

I should make a sorry card.

Yes, that's how pathetically good I am.

I zipped my bag open and picked a piece of blue paper and some art materials. I set the book aside and began crafting the sorry card.

After I was done, I heard the scraping of the chair beside me. I looked over and saw it was..


He smirked. "I know I'm that hot but you should stop staring because I might melt."

That arrogant asshole!


"Ouch! Sheesh, I was just stating the truth." He rubbed his head.

I remembered something and I gave the sorry card to him.

"A sorry card..?" He asked and then he bursted out laughing.

I raised my eyebrows at him. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing, nothing. This is cute." He chuckled and kept it in his bag.

I checked his outift and I do admit that he looks good wearing only a shirt and pants.

He has abs too.

I blushed and facepalmed myself.

[Y/N] get a hold of yourself.

"Eh, like what you see?" He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

"B-baka!" I barked at him.

"Be quiet." The librarian hissed at us and I apologized.

"Ne, [Y/N], you should make her a sorry card too." He laughed and I pouted.

Darn my good girl attitude.

"Why are you even here you idiot?" He picked up the book beside my hand.

"Really [Y/N]? How to seduce guys? Tsk, tsk, tsk." My cheeks redened.

"I-i just picked it out randomly." My hands started sweating.

He leaned in close to my ears. His cheeks touching mine. His breath hitting my neck, sending shivers down my spine.

"All you have to do is ask me, [Y/N]."



"I have to go." I scrambled up and fixed my things.

"Not so fast." He grabbed my wrist with a smirk.

"What now?" I sighed.

"I want to walk you to class." Blood rushed to my cheeks.

I shook my head quickly. "No, I can do it myself besides, you're new so how the hell would you know the parts of the university?"

The bluenette ran a hand through his hair. "Hmm.. Yeah, I don't know the parts of Yamii yet but since you're old here and you know it well, you can guide me to my class." He smirked.

I sighed. "You have your own map, Bakayato."


I giggled at his reaction. "Tch, just guide me to my class."

I nodded and felt a weight on my shoulders whilst we walked.

"Eh, who is she?!!"

"Why is the new hottie hanging his arm around her shoulders?!"

"She's stealing my future hubby!"

"That stealing bitch!"

"What the fuck?!"

I stared at the ground and Ayato seemed to notice that. "What's the matter?"

I shook my head. "I'm fine."

He didn't reply anymore and all I could hear is more bickering. My head replayed the second statement from a girl.

"Why is the new hottie hanging his arm around her shoulders?!"

I looked at my right shoulder at the corner of my eye. I looked at my left shoulder too.

"Bakayato, remove your arms from my shoulders or I will kick your balls."

He stiffened and I could feel the weight of my shoulder get lighter.

"Arigatō, here's your class, Ayato." I stopped by a door and he smirked. "I know, I memorized the map last night."

That means he knows where he's gonna go this whole time!

That idiot wasted my time! I could have been reading or something!

If we were in a cartoon, I would've had steam exit my ears.

"You son of a.."

"Oh, the good girl can swear eh?" He crossed his arms.

"Whatever, I'm leaving." I turned my back at him and started walking away. "[Y/N], I have one last thing to say." I turned around and raised an eyebrow at him.

"You look cute when you're mad."

[ A/N ]

I'm sorry if my story is boring but hey I'm stil new at this so just correct me if I'm wrong.

Also, I want to thank you guys for reading my story. It means a lot to me that you guys actually read my boring story. I love you guys! <3

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