TAG: one point two

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[ Ayato's P.O.V ]

"Hey! It's a ghoul!" I heard an investigator yell and I rolled my eyes.

Fucking idiots.

I turned around expecting an investigaor but there was none.

What the..

I heard the investigator yell and the impact of something hitting something.

I walked faster and reached the area.

A smiling girl with [h/c] stood in the middle whilst her arm is bleeding.

What is wrong with her?

"Kyaa-aahh! Ashikawa!" I hit the investigator right in the stomach.

"Stop it!" The girl yelled and I noticed tears running down her face.


I snapped the investigator's head and threw the investigator's body on the floor.

I heard running and I saw another investigator charging for the girl, a kagune weapon in hand.

The kagune hit her right in the stomach and sent her flying towards the ground.

Why won't she hit back?

Something clicked inside of me and the next thing I know was I was cracking the guy's ribs.

The girl's eyes widened and she scrambled towards the two investigators.

"Please be alive." I heard her whisper to them.

"What the fuck are you trying to do?" I grabbed her with my kagune and slammed her body down the floor.

She raised her knees to her chest for a minute and made a dash towards their body again. She searched for something inside their coat.

She raised it when she found it and the mystery item glinted in the dark.

A knife.

She raised it to her chest and closed her eyes, stabbing herself in the stomach repeatedly.

"What the fuck are you doing?! As much as I would want every ghoul I don't know die, you can't kill yourself!" I said and then I snatched the knife away from her, throwing it far from us.

"No!" She yelled and stood up to run.

"Stop it!" I quickly pinned her to the ground and stared at her gentle eyes.

"No, I have to die. I can't take it anymore. I'm just a waste of space. The pain is too much. Please kill me, please." She cried out.


My heart felt like it was pounded at by a hammer.

How could a beautiful ghoul like this have such thoughts like that?

Her eyes slowly began to close and I stood up while carrying her in my arms bridal style.

My feet began walking to Anteiku and I knocked at the cafe's door.

I heard shuffling and the door clicked open.

"What are you doing here?" Touka, my sister, growled.

"I'm not here to harm you. I'm here to drop this ghoul off. She's badly injured and she needs help. Please, take her in. She tried to kill herself." I said while while staring at the beautiful ghoul in my arms.

Touka's eyes softened.

"You owe me big time." She murmured and took the ghoul in her arms.

She closed the door in my face before I could even thank her.

Touka you idiot.

[ A/N ]

my head hurts and i feel like throwing up but hi my beautiful shits x

hope you enjoy this chapter!

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