TAG: seventeen

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[ Your P.O.V ]

"W-what? We're too young for this!" I exclaimed, pushing him off of me. "Ouch! Jeez, it was just a joke!" He scratched his head and wore an annoyed expression.

Pffft, joke my ass.

"You really are a virgin, eh? Too innocent." He smirked and leaned in closer. "No touchy, Ayato. No touchy." I flicked his forehead, making him distance himself from me. "Jeez, okay okay." He laid down and looked at the ceiling.

I yawned softly and poked his cheek.







Before I could poke him more, he grabbed my finger and put it in front of his face. He squinted his eyes at it and-

"What the- Ahhhh!" My eyes widened as he shoved the finger in his mouth and began sucking it. A blush crept up my cheeks and I looked away from him.

"What the hell are you two doing?"

I pulled my finger out as I heard Tatara's voice.

"Eheh, nothing." I grinned sheepishly.

He poked his head out.

"Eto! They're gonna make babies!"

I was gonna shout no but Eto already appeared within seconds.

"Eh, where- oh hi there, [Y/N] and Ayato." She giggled.

She paused for a second and began giggling again. "Wait until Noro hears about this-" Ayato stood up quickly and put his hand over Eto's mouth. She began flailing around wildly and managed to remove his hands.

"Ew! Get it away from me! Who knows where its been, eugh." She wiped her lips with the back of her hand.

Ayato blushed and stared at her in annoyance.

"Eh, fuck off Eto."

"Noro! Ayato swore!"

Noro appeared out of nowhere and held a jar.

I squinted at it and saw what was written at the front.

Swear jar: pay 5 yen every time you swear. (Especially Ayato!)

I laughed my ass off.

"Are you serious? A swear jar?" Ayato glared at me. "Fuck off-"

Noro jiggled the jar as if to remind him to pay again for swearing.

"Okay, okay." Ayato grabbed money from his pocket and stuffed it inside the jar.

"You know Noro, Tatara saw Ayato-" Eto began but got cut off by Ayato.

"Hmmm, you know Noro, last week I saw Eto and Ta-" This time, Eto placed her hands on his mouth.

"Hahaha, Ayato shut up." Eto laughed slowly.

Noro tilted his head at them and I heard a sigh.

He shook his head and walked out of the room.


And then I laughed my ass off again.

[ A/N ]

Sorry for the late update.

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