TAG: twelve

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[ Your P.O.V ]


"Mama? Papa?" Six year old me wandered around the house.

I tilted by head as I spotted them drinking and smoking around the living room.

They were laughing about something when Mama noticed me and said something to Papa.

Papa looked at me with a cold glare and put his cigarette down.

"[Y/N], come here."

Mama smirked at me as I walked nervously.

"Clean this."


The bottle of beer fell down the floor and the liquid splashed on the rug.


I felt a hand push me backwards.

"I said clean it!"

I landed on the floor and I sat up, rubbing my back afterwards. I nodded my head obediently at Papa and stood up to get a dust pan.

"No, you're going to pick the smashed pieces up using your hands." Mama said with a cruel smile.

I slowly picked the pieces up and Papa blew smoke on my face. I coughed violently and moved my hands around to get the smoke away from my face. In the process, my hands hit pieces of the smashed bottle and had little wounds after.

I picked the pieces up anyways and threw it. I returned to my parents and asked them if we have band aids.

"No, stop being a baby." Mama rolled her eyes at me and took a swig of another bottle of beer.

I looked at my Papa's eyes and waited as if to see if he cared about me but all he did was throw his cigarette at me.

I flinched and went to my room after.

The little mattress was all I had besides a table and a chair.

I laid down the mattress and felt sleep engulf me.

Next day..

"[Y/N]~" Mama's sweet voice filled my ears. I sat up and saw her standing in my room's entrance with my Papa beside her.

"M-mama? P-papa?" My eyes widened.

Why are they acting formal?

Mama walked towards me and frowned when she noticed the little scars on my hands.

"What happened?" She pointed to the little scars.

"I picked up the pieces of the smashed bottle last night."

Her eyes softened.

"Look, your father and I are here to apologize for our behavior for the past few years. I promise that we'll be a happy family from now on." She gave me a warm smile and hugged me.

I felt tears in my eyes.


"We promise, [Y/N]." Papa said and gave me the same smile that Mama gave me.

Tears fell down my cheeks and I hugged her back.

"Well, your friend has a party, right? You should go." Mama said.

"But I want to spend time with you guys." I reasoned.

"No, go ahead. We'll watch movies when you return."

"But I don't have pretty clothes.."

"Don't worry, we bought you a nice dress and nice flats."

Papa showed me a dress and flats.

"Okay, you better get ready. Your friend will pick you up in about 15 minutes." I nodded my head quickly and grabbed my stuff from Papa.

I headed to the bathroom and began taking a bath.

After the bath, I dried myself off and got dressed. I fixed my hair after and smiled at my reflection.

Walking to the door that will lead me out of the house, Papa and Mama greeted me halfway with compliments.

"You look very good, [Y/N]."

"You look like a princess."

Mama and Papa hugged me one last time before my friend dragged me away.

After the party..

"Papa? Mama?" I asked as I entered the house.

I closed the door behind me and looked at the living room.

The T.V wasn't on and they weren't there.

My chest tightened.


I felt tears in my eyes and I ran to my parents room.

There they were, sitting on their bed with a bottle of beer in their left hand and cigarette in their other hand.


"Ah, [Y/N]. Why the hell are you dressed like that? I thought you knew that you were never pretty. You're ugly. Ugly!" Mama yelled at me and threw her bottle of beer at me.

I protected my face but the shards stuck to my skin.

"But you guys promised.."

"Hah! You thought we would keep our word? We lied to you. Who would even want you? You're just a waste of space. You're a mistake! We never loved you! No one ever loved you!" Papa thres his bottle at me and more shards bounced to my skin.

My dress was a little ripped and I looked like I came out of a horror movie.

"You. Promised. Me!" I suddenly snapped and my kagune came out of my back.


I slashed them in their faces.

"Filthy liars!"

My kagune went straight through their stomach and they gasped.


Tears formed in my eyes and I felt my heart tighten.

My parents were breathing heavily.

"Mama, Papa, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do it.." I walked closer to them.

They moved away from me.

"No, get back you monster!"

I flinched at Mama's words.

"M-monster..?" I looked at my bloody hands and at my kagune.

I am a monster.

A murderer.

I can't forgive myself.

"N-no, I was just-"

"No, just get away from us. We'll be better off dead than be with you forever."

Papa's words felt like a sharp knife cutting my own heart.

"You don't mean that Papa.."

"But I do mean it you worthless monster."

And then they went limp.

I sat on their bed, tears streaming down my cheeks and I bowed at them.

"I'm sorry."

[ A/N ]

A peek of [Y/N]'s past.

I'll be updating slow so.. yeah.

Anyways, thanks for those who added TAG to their reading list and for those who voted and read this awful story. Srsly, ily.

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