TAG: twenty-four

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[ A/N ]

Pretend that the both of you are 18.

Will be short, sorry.

[ Your POV ]

"U-Um, sorry but no."

The color from Ayato's face drained and he stared at me with a gaping mouth.

"Oh, well then I-" He fidgeted and I let out a giggle.

"Just kidding, I'd love to be Mrs. Kirishima." His expression quickly changed and he sighed in relief.

"Good. I didn't want to look like an idiot." Then he cupped my cheeks and kissed me.

"Woooh! Noro, Tatara, come here! Our little Ayato just proposed to [Y/N]!" Eto popped out of nowhere and Ayato pulled away, quickly turning to scowl at Eto.

"Eto, you fucking-"

"Noro~ Ayato just swore!" Eto spoke childishly, skipping around Ayato.

Ayato facepalmed himself and sighed, "Not this shit again.."

Eto stopped skipping and pointed at Ayato, "Noro, Ayato swore again~"

Noro slowly walked, taking his time. Tatara on the other hand, walked faster than the usual and came over to Eto, silencing her quickly.

Noro raised the swear jar and Ayato groaned, placing money inside the jar. Noro then walked off, silent as ever.

That dude needs to get laid.

I looked over at Eto and Tatara.

"My OTP!" I yelled and ran towards them, hugging the both of them tightly.

"[Y/N], you're making me jealous. Wait, why are they getting a hug? That should be me. Hmph." Ayato rolled his eyes and I pouted, walked over to him and hugged him.

"I love you, loser."

"Love you too, dork."

"Aw, they're so sweet! Tatara, look! Loo-" Tatara quickly raised his mask and kissed her to shut her up.

"Thanks Tatara." Ayato nodded at him and I could see Eto turn into 50 shades of red.

"Eto and Tatara are so cute! Please have kids. I swear they'll look cute and then I'll be their Aunt and oh my god they could be besties with my kids." I rambled whilst Eto and Tatara still had a make-out session going on.

"[Y/N], stop rambling. They're already starting to give the babies a try. Look at them." As Ayato said this, Eto choked and pulled away from Tatara, looking flustered as hell.

"Bakayato, I'm going to kill you!" Eto yelled and ran towards him but before she could even reach him, Tatara grabbed her and tosses her over his shoulder.

"Shush." Tatara mumbled and went to his room.

"Oh my god. Are they going to.. Noro! Tatara and Eto are going to make Teto babies!" I fangirled which earned me a gentle smack from Ayato.

"You're quite noisy today. Maybe I need to shut you up?" The bluenette smirked and leaned closer.

I brushed my lips against his and pulled his lower lip down, making him groan.

Reaching up to his hair, I tugged at his hair which made his head tilt up, giving me more access to his neck.

Smirking, I began placing love bites all over his neck, making him spurt out small moans.

"Horny today, aren't you?" He mumbled, eyes shut close.

"No, just you." I giggled and left him alone, quickly walking to the living room which was filled with Aogiri members.

"Hey! Come back here!"

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