TAG: twenty-two

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[ Your POV ]

As we stepped out of the hideout, the war already started.

Some buildings were set on fire and piercing screams echoed off the streets.

This is it..


"Hm?" I turned to Ayato and he simply hugged me.

It was not an ordinary hug though. It felt different than the rest of his hugs. As he hugged me tightly, I felt strong emotions surge throughout my blood.

His hug meant something.

This hug felt like the hugs you give to people at the airport.

Or the hugs you give to ill people.

It was the hug that meant goodbye.

My body stiffened under his hug and for a second, I felt and understood nothing but then as time passed by, my brain was finished processing everything.

Is he saying goodbye?

My emotions knocked the wind out of my lungs and within a flash, I was crying.

"A-ayato, are you saying goodbye?"

"No, saying goodbye means that I'm going to forget you and I don't want to forget you. I don't want to forget your beautiful smile, your corny jokes and your big heart. Think of this as me saying 'See you later'."

His words pushed my emotions over the edge and I continued crying.

He rubbed my back and whispered sweet nothings into my ear, making my heart hurt more.


I tried to contain my sobs and did a little breathing exercise.





"I can't promise you that I will love you forever but I can promise you that I will love you to infinity and beyond."

He nuzzled his head against the crook of my neck and I gripped on his robe tightly, sniffing his scent secretly.


I felt him nod.


He chuckled and then took a step back, intertwining our hands together.

Then we went to the battlefield.

"Someone! Please answer! I need more back-up. Ghouls are taking over agh-" And then his heart got pierced by a kagune.


His body plopped on the ground, making the floor bloody.

I continued killing off investigators but then they started to swarm all over the place.

What the fuck?

I picked up my pace and killed off more investigators.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the bunny's lover. Hee hee~" I heard a childish voice somewhere and I raised my brow.


A quinque almost hit my head but I dodged it quickly.

"Hee hee hee~ You have nice reflexes. Too bad, I'm just getting started."

The Arrogant Ghoul [Ayato Kirishima X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now