TAG: nineteen

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[ Your P.O.V ]

"[Y/N]~" Ayato purred and I blushed heavily as he crawled towards me.

"C'mon, [Y/N]. Why don't we play a game?"

"H-hmm? What game?"

He flashed me a smirk and was now in front of me, making my back hit the wall as I backed away.

"It's called touch yourself and I'll watch you until you get yourself off~"

"H-huh? Hahaha, no-" I nervously gulped and he started closing the space between us.

He nuzzled his head on my neck and started placing kisses there.

"Hey, what are you trying to do- A-ahhh." I didn't get to finish the sentence since he found my soft spot and began abusing it with pleasure.

"A-ayato, stop being a horndog."

"[Y/N], I know we both want this so why play hard to get?" He muttered, still abusing my soft spot.

My area began heating up and I shut my legs tight so Ayato couldn't notice me.

But Ayato noticed the move.

I'm so dead.

"See? You're dripping wet already and I haven't even fucked you." He looked proud at what he had done and he opened up my legs and kneeled down, licking my inner thigh.

I bit my lip but kept my eyes on him as he began to pull my shorts off.

"Mmm, you're soaking, babe." He licked his lips as he stared at my soaked underwear.

How embarrassing.

I tried to cover my area by crossing my legs but he grabbed my legs and spread it, pinning it on the wall after.

Oh god.

"Ayato, please, no." I said as he got closer to my area, kneeling down and in the process.

"Well, if you touch yourself right now and let me view it, I'll stop."

"Are you kidding me? Hell no!"

"Okay then~" He chuckled and licked my area slowly.


He looked up at me, a smirk gracing his lips.

"Changed your mind?"

I nodded in defeat and lowered a finger to my area.

I inserted it in and began pumping it in and out, a string of moans leaving my parted lips.

"Add another finger." Ayato growled, stroking his member through his pants.

I nodded obediently and added another finger, pumping faster.

"Ugh, this is torture. I can't take this anymore even though it's only been a few minutes." He growled and pulled his pants down.

His fingers gripped on the waistband of his underwear and then he pulled it off-

"[Y/N], wake up!" Ayato stared at me with wide eyes as I shot up, sitting straight.

"Did you just have a wet dream about me-"

"I guess I did." I facepalmed myself and blushed.

I hope I didn't moan that loud-

"Noro, Ayato and [Y/N] are trying to make babies.. again!"

[ A/N ]

Guess what bbys?


If you guys want to talk to me-

I have a Kik account. (@articmxkey)

And I have a Facebook account but it's a roleplay account. (Rîn Shørt'Løser Kagamîne)

Make sure to message me that you're from wattpad! :) (Because I sometimes decline friend requests from RL accounts.)

Love u guys!

Ayato loves you tooooo~

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