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[ Your P.O.V ]

"Hey Touka-chan, you wake her up." I heard someone say.

"No, you wake her up." I heard a feminine voice say.



Is heaven really this noisy? shit.


"T-touka-chan! That hurts." The voice said.

"Well you're gonna get another one if you don't wake her up." Touka -I assume- said.






"Okay! I'll wake her up! Sheesh!" The boyish voice said and I heard shuffling.


"Psst, wake up."





I grabbed the person's hand before it could poke me again.

"Aaah!" I opened my eyes and saw a guy with an eyepatch infront of me.

I let go of his hand and scanned my surroundings.

"Is this heaven?" I asked and the purple-haired girl burst out laughing.

"H-heaven? Ahaha!" She clutched on her stomach and continued laughing.

"Touka.." Eyepatch guy said and the purple-haired girl stopped laughing and coughed.

"Sorry about that. I'm Touka and that guy is Kaneki." She said.

I sat up straight and felt something on my stomach.

"Oh, you should refrain from moving and moving since your wound is still hurting a little." Kaneki said raising my shirt a little to reveal a piece of clothing wrapped around my stomach.

"O-okay." I mumbled and my stomach growled.

"Hungry? Let's go feed you." Touka smiled and reached for my hand.

"N-no." I flinched and moved backwards until my back hit the wall.

She and Kaneki exchanged a look and looked at me.

"What's your name?" Kaneki asked.

"[Y/N]." I mumbled and he smiled at me. "Well [Y/N]-chan, you have to eat to get your wound healed. Oh and uh, I know you're a ghoul but don't worry, we're all ghouls and the food we eat is from people who died from accidents."

My eyes started welling up.

"Why do you care for me? I'm useless."

They both smiled at me.

"Because starting from now on, you're part of our family now and useless or not, we'll always love you."

"Wait.. our?" I scratched my cheek.

"Yeah, let's go meet the rest of the family!"

They helped my stand up and we went down the stairs.

Looks like we're in a cafe.

The staff members stopped and they waved at me with a smile in their face.

"Welcome to the Anteiku family!"

[ A/N ]

d'aww :)

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