TAG: six

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[ Your P.O.V ]

The sun's bright light almost blinded my eyes when my eyes fluttered open.

I stood up quickly but regretted it after my head felt like it was burning and all I could see was black for a minute. I shook my head quickly and stretched.

I headed back to my room and saw Nishiki still sleeping.

A knock suddenly came on the door.

Knock knock.

I tilted my head in confusion.

Who would be awake at this time?

I stared at the clock stuck to the wall.

1:00 pm.


I shuffled towards the door and opened it.

"[Y/N], is Nishiki there?"


I nodded right ahead and opened the door more wider so she could see Nishiki. I felt her hug me and she began crying. "Thank you for taking care of Nishiki."

I rubbed her back and told her it was nothing. She let go of her embrace and headed towards the half-awake ghoul. She sat beside him and I knew that she was gonna want to speak to him privately so I left them.

They better not be making babies on my bed.

I walked out of my room and closed the door behind me.

"Ohayō [Y/N]-chan!" Hinami startled me with her chirpy voice.

I did not sign up for this.

"E-eh, Ohayō Hinami." I regained my calmness again and smiled at her.

"We're going out to get you a mask!" She beamed and clapped in joy.

"Right now?" I asked and she nodded pushing me towards the door to my bedroom to get ready.

"No, no, no Hinami. I'm not going in there since uh.. Nishiki is still sleeping. I'll just use Touka's bathroom and clothes." I sheepishly grinned while blushing.

They really might be making babies and I don't want to ruin Hinami's innocence.

She said a soft okay and skipped downstairs.

I went inside Touka's room and asked her if I could use her bathroom and borrow her clothes which she responded with a confused look in her face and I told her the reason. Her face grew red and she nodded and rushed out of her room wearing her Anteiku uniform.

I went inside her bathroom and realized that I forgot my towel which is probably lying somewhere around my room.

Oh well, she must have extra towels.

I reached for the cabinet and opened it. I spotted a white towel and grabbed it. Removing my clothes, I blew air into my face. I folded my clothes neatly and I turned to turn on the shower when I realized something again.

I forgot to bring my underwear.

I facepalmed myself and a ding came into my mind.

I can use wash my undies and dry it with her hair dryer. I did that and hopped in the shower after. The shower was long but it was relaxing and worth it.


"Ne, [Y/N]-chan! Why are you so slow?" Hinami's voice echoed through the bathroom and I almost slipped in surprise. "Sheesh, I'm almost done."

I rinsed myself and cleaned myself using the towel. I wore my now dry undies and bra, wrapping myself in the towel after.

I unlocked the door and skipped into Touka's room, searching for proper clothes.

Hmm, pants? no.

Shorts? no.

Skirt? no.

I grabbed a jumper and a [band/anime] shirt. I wore it and fixed my hair after.

I'm done.

I walked out of Touka's room with a smile on my face.

"Let's get going." The manager said, Yomo following behind him. Hinami grabbed my hand and shot a smile at me.

And then we walked out of Anteiku.

Minutes later, we arrived the mask shop and was greeted by the mask maker, Uta. I scanned him up and down.

He's hot.

I snapped out of it and entered the shop along with everyone else.

"So, what kind of mask would you like?" He asked, his eyes staring at mine.

"I want a Kitsune mask." I said.

I have a thing for foxes.

He shot me a charming smile that would've sent me swooning at him but I managed to keep a hold of myself.

"It'll be done in a day."

"Arigatō, Uta."

[ A/N ]

Chapter is complete shit, sorry.

Anyways, you guys are awesome! I have 200+ reads which is so cool. I love you all more than Ayato c:

Don't tell him I said that hehe.

It would be cool if you guys also vote :)

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P.S: I'll be updating slow this week since I'm gonna be busy :(

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