TAG: five

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[ Your P.O.V ]

Class ended hours ago and the students began to fill the hallways and the university.

But our darned professor was a sadist and he would extend his discussion until the hallway was empty.


Something hit my head.

I looked over to the thing that hit my head while scratching the back of my head. I picked the crumpled paper up and straightened it.

I began to read it.

"Let's talk later.


I looked back and spotted Hide. I nodded my head at him while smiling. I felt someone watching me carefully but I shrugged it off and paid attention to Professor Ayuzaki.

"Okay class, since you have been doing great this week, I won't extend my lectures for the next week." Everyone in the class shouted in joy. "Class dismissed." Everyone aimed for the door and rushed out of the classroom.

I stood up and began walking towards the door until a hand grabbed my wrist.

What is it with people grabbing my wrist?

"[Y/N]." I turned around and saw it was Hide.

"Hide." I said and I remembered the crumpled paper. "Oh yeah, the talk."

We walked to the cafeteria and sat down. "So, are you dating the new guy?" I choked on my own spit. "No!"

His eyebrow raised. "Are you sure? I saw him hanging his arm around your shoulders." My body grew tense. "Yes, nothing is going on." He relaxed and he nodded. "Why would it matter to you anyway?" This time my eyebrow is raised at him. "Don't tell me that you like.." He gulped nervously and he opened his mouth to speak.

"Don't tell me that you like Ayato?" I said while he blushed. "Hell no, [Y/N] you dense girl. I kinda like you."

I blushed at him. "I um, I'm sorry but I don't like you back Hide." He nodded and spoke, "I know."

He seems sad.

"Hey, don't be sad. Maybe I'll catch some feelings for you later on. You'll never know." I chirped and he smiled. "Maybe."

I stood up along with him and I hugged him. "I'll see you around?"

We both parted our ways and I headed out to Anteiku.

"Kaneki?! Nishiki?!" My eyes widened at the bloody ghouls infront of me. "W-what happened?" I stuttered and Touka pushed me away from them. "[Y/N] don't worry. Tsukiyama fought them but they're okay now"

I knew something is wrong with that guy.

I clenched my hands and inhaled and exhaled.

They're alright, [Y/N]. Get a grip on yourself.

"They need to get cleaned up. Touka, choose. Kaneki or Nishiki?" Touka groaned. "Kaneki."

I nodded and helped Nishiki off his butt. "Well get you cleaned up. You need to stay here after this but I think you can go back to Kimii tomorrow." I smiled at him.

I removed his shirt and flinched at the large wound he has. I grabbed a wet towel and wrung it before rubbing it on his body. The towel grew bloody and I wet it again and wrung it and did the process again and again. I grabbed the first aid kit and covered his wound in a bandage. I guided him to my room after and he dozed off the moment his head touched the pillow.

No bed for me to sleep in tonight then.

I opened the door to the balcony and stepped outside. The stars twinkled brightly and I remembered the day Ayato saved me from killing myself. I smiled and sat on a chair nearby.

"Goodnight Ayato."

And then I drifted off to sleep.

[ A/N ]


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