TAG: twenty-three

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[ Your POV ]

"Ayato! Ayato!"

Is this the end?

"H-hey! You promised to make it back alive! Y-you.."

I clenched my fists together.

This is all my fault..

Stupid [Y/N]!

"I'm so sorry, Ayato. It's all my fault.."

I felt someone shake my shoulders violently and then I..

Woke up?

"[Y-Y/N], are you okay?" Ayato asked, a worried look on his face.

He's alive!

"Y-you're alive! But how? I saw the investigator kill you-"

He shook his head and hugged me.

"After you hit the wall, you blacked out. You must've had a nightmare." Worry laced his voice and he stroked my hair in a calming manner. I hugged him closer, sniffing his scent in. "It was so terrifying.. I-I thought I lost you."

"You'd never lose me, [Y/N]. I kept a promise, remember?" His lips formed a boyish smile and it made my heart flutter.

"I love you."

He placed a kiss on the tip of my nose.

"I love you too."

He playfully nudged me and pecked me on the lips, "Go take a shower. I'm sure it feels uncomfortable when your shirt feels sweaty." I nodded and pushed him out of my way. "See you later, Bakayato."

I grabbed my towel and turned the shower on. I heard a little bit of noise outside but I ignored it. Stepping inside the shower, I let out a sigh as the warm water hit my shoulders. I grabbed my shampoo and started doing my usual routine.

After the bath, I went outside and there was no trace of Ayato.

Where could that rabbit be?

"Ayato?" I called out but gave up and sat on my bed.


I stood up and looked at where I sat and noticed a wrinkled note sitting there.

I picked it up and began reading it.


Go to the abandoned floor. Wear anything that you're comfortable with. See ya! :P

Your favorite Kirishima,

I read it all over again and pinched myself.

Is this real?

Is Ayato trying to be romantic?

Walking over to my closet, I picked out a large white sweater that stops above my knees and wore white panda knee socks. I took out my black doll shoes and didn't bother wearing make-up.


I gasped at the sight of the abandoned floor.

It didn't look abandoned at all.

White fairy lights were all over the walls. I headed to the wall with frames and drawings and I gasped again.

These are drawings of us.

Drawing of when we first met.

Drawing of our first 'date'.

Drawing of us cuddling.

Drawing of our first kiss.

Drawing of us stargazing.

I kept moving forward when a drawing caught me off-guard.

It was the last drawing that caught me off-guard.

Ayato was kneeling with one knee and he looks like he was going to propose.

I heard someone clear his throat.

I felt my heart pound against my ribs and my breath hitched.

Could this be it?

I turned to face Ayato and felt nervous.

"[Y/N], I know that we're young but I want to spend my life with you until the day I die. You are annoying and you act like a brat sometimes but besides that, you are the reason that pushes me to live everyday. So [Y/N], will you be the Eto to my Tatara and marry me?"

[ A/N ]

Short chap, sorry.

What would your answer be? o w o

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