TAG: seven

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[ Your P.O.V ]

The next day I went back to Uta's again while the manager went out with Hinami and Yomo.

"Welcome back, [Y/N]." Uta greeted and I smiled at him.

"So, is the mask finished?" I questioned him and he nodded his head.

"Follow me." He did the follow me motion with his slender fingers and walked to a clear square-shaped glass.

I immediatly melted on the floor when I saw my own mask. "This is beautiful." Uta picked the mask up and gave it to me. "Try it."

I tried it and removed it after. "This is perfect! Thank you, Uta." I hugged him tight and felt him chuckle. "No problem [Y/N]."

I pulled away and hid the mask inside my bag.

"So-" I started but got cut off when a pair of lips slammed into mine.


"Uta-" I tried to speak when a moan escaped my lips.

"U-uta, this is wrong." His hands ran down my chest and I felt my cheeks warm up.

He slammed me on the wall and kissed me deeper. I accidentally grinded on him and he groaned huskily.

I stared up at his dark eyes and saw lust.

This is wrong..

Uta's hand began to slip under my skirt. I felt it brush on my inner thighs.

Jesus Christ, this is very wrong.

I pulled away, blushing.

"Uta, I hope you understand but this is wrong.." I said in a tone which sounded like a whisper. He cleared his throat and blushed. "N-no, I'm sorry. I'm the one who attacked you like an animal."

And then silence came.


I looked everywhere else trying to avoid him. It was kinda hard since Uta junior is pretty visible.

I blushed again.

"I-i should go." I spoke and he nodded with blood rushing to his cheeks.

I walked out of the mask shop and scolded myself about almost losing my virginity to a guy I knew for so little days.

Sighing, I ran a hand up my hair and kept walking towards Anteiku.

As I reached Anteiku, I saw the manager, Yomo and Hinami walking towards Anteiku also.

"[Y/N]-chan!" Hinami beamed at me and ran towards me, locking me in a hug.

I smiled at her and ruffled her hair. "Eh, stop doing that! I'm not a kid anymore, [Y/N]-chan." She pouted and I squeezed her cheeks.

"[Y/N]." Yoshimaru and Yomo greeted me while I greeted them back. "Let's go inside together." Hinami said and I laughed at her. "We are gonna go inside together, duh. There's only one entrance, Baka."

Hinami grew red and crossed her arms. "Tch, whatever [Y/N]-chan."

I awed at her. "Gomen, Hinami." She smiled at me slowly. "Get me ice cream tomorrow and I will forgive you."

I put my hand out for her.


She shook my hand with a dumb smile on her face.

We all headed to the entrance of Anteiku.


I looked down and saw glass shards on the ground.

What the..

I looked everywhere.


Glass shards.

Bloody furniture.

I covered my mouth and screamed a scream of pain.


I followed the sound of the cough.


And there just by the restricted area door was Touka with blood on her clothes.

[ A/N ]

Short, sorry.

I wanna thank @Crystalwolf1 for voting a lot! I want to dedicate this chapter to you but I can't since I'm using my phone to write this.

Anyways, sorry about the Uta part. I needed a chapter filler.

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