TAG: thirteen

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[ Your P.O.V ]

"[Y/N]?" Someone knocked on the bathroom's door.

"W-what?" I wiped a tear from my cheek and tried to stop myself from letting out a cry.

"Is everything okay?" Ayato asked and the door knob began jiggling.

I frantically fixed myself and tried to lessen the redness of my eyes.

I hate how my eyes always gets red even though I only cried a little.

"Yeah, just checking my eyes. I think something went inside." I lied and bit the inside of my cheeks after.

And then silence came.

After seconds, it was still silent and I was convinced that he left.

I let out a huge sigh and leaned against the wall.

I stared at myself in the mirror.

I'm a monster.

How could I kill my parents?

And then I heard whispers.


"[Y/N]-chan is a monster~"

"You killed your own parents!"

"You should be ashamed!"

"Kill yourself!"



I covered my ears and closed my eyes, hoping the whispers would go away but they grew louder and all I could hear was one word.


I cried my eyes out and flinched when the door suddenly slammed open.

"I knew you weren't fine, brat." Ayato had a worried look in his eyes but still had a cold tone.

"I.." I began saying but can't seem to finish it.

"You what, [Y/N]?" He began walking towarda me but I took a step back as he took a step forward.

"No, no, no!" I shook my head violently as tears continued falling down my eyes.

"Tell him! Tell him! Tell him what you've done, you monster!" The voice yelled at me.

"Tell him!"

"Tell him!"

"Tell him!"

"Tell him!"

Something snapped inside of me and I broke down on the floor.

"I killed my parents."

Ayato's eyes widened but it regained its normal size after a few seconds. "You what..?"

"I killed my parents." I repeated again.

Ayato's getting closer.



"Get away from me! I'm a monster!" I crawled away from him.

And I felt him hug me.

"I don't know what happened but I'm sure you didn't mean it, okay? It's okay. Everything's alright. No matter what you do, it won't change my opinion on you. I still love you."

[ A/N ]

/will be lower-case intended/

first of all, i'm sorry if this is kinda short.


ok, a little late but it's like almost 12 am and i'm tired, ok? ok.

like my eyes feel super asian.

why am i late you ask?

bc i was at my grandma's and u know what happened?

goddamm chit chat.

i feel v grumpy and frustrated but aye- i hope you enjoy the chapter :^))

lastly, if you make story covers and want to make me one, you can go ahead and submit it to me c:

don't worry, you'll have credits.

(i usually make my covers and others as well but i'm tired and lazy af.)


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