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"Nice Shot and... That's it, we can all wrap up already." I bowed at them and thanked each one of them as I head to the dressing room to change into my casual attire since my boyfriend, Jaehyun and I promised that we will have lunch together.

I bid goodbye once again before leaving the building and going into a five star restaurant. Well.. Jaehyun have a pretty stable job so we don't have problems with each other and he's also unique for me.

"Love, sorry I'm late." I said as I go in to one of the VIP tables here in the resto.

Manager nim and my personal assistant are also having lunch since I gave them money to order their food.

"It's okay love, by the way how was the shoot? Was it great?" I smiled as I felt how warm his presence is when he's with me. He was like my pillow that I can lean on anytime.

I told him everything that happened on my schedule today and since I don't have any shoots left anymore, I asked him to have a date today but he said that he have some appointment with a client so he can't make it but he also made sure that he will make it up to me.

When our order arrived he served me some on my plate and put a straw in my cup. It was a nice lunch especially when it's him, I am with.

After we finished the dessert, he had to say goodbye. I didn't really wanna let him go but his job is more important as of now.

"Text me if you got home okay?" he said to me and kissed my cheeks before going away. I really can tell that he's already the one I am ready to spend my life with.

Manager nim & my personal assistant sent me home early and told me to rest since tomorrow is a jam packed day of schedules especially shooting of interview.

I was about to go for a nap but suddenly my phone vibrated and I saw Appa's caller ID so I immediately answered it.

Hi appa!

Hi my girl, are you busy like right now?

I suddenly became nervous about how serious his voice sounded like and the fact the he's asking me if I am busy is much weirder.

No appa, I have no schedules now. Is there a problem?

Come to the office if you have time now. I have something to tell you.

Okay, see you later. Bye appa, love u.

-call ended-

After the call, I changed into a white skirt, white spaghetti strap silk blouse and topped it with purple blazers.

I got the car keys from the cabinet and while going down to the parking lot, I tried reaching out to Ms. Lim to know if there's any anomaly at the company but she just wouldn't answer so I just drove off to the main office.

The staffs greeted me when they saw me and I pushed the elevator button to 15th floor, where Appa's office is.

When the doors opened, I suddenly felt this nervous feeling on me and I just don't know why.

I knocked on the door and his secretary let me in. I saw Appa there smiling widely and he instructed me to seat.

"Are you okay appa? What's wrong?" I said while checking his body if there is something wrong or painful in him.

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