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"Are you sure she said she's already here?" I heard Hobi hyung asked V hyung as he was the one in contact with Lisa.

We are here at the Airport waiting for her to come out. There are four of us here; Me, Hobi hyung, V hyung and Jimin hyung.

We're impatiently waiting here and then later on we saw her carrying two luggages out of the arrival.

"Oppa-deul!" she shouted as she saw us, we ran to her and did a group hug. It's been 4 years since we lost contact with her because she's too busy with their business.

"Wow, all of you changed. Especially this boy right here!" she said as she playfully messed with my hair. We all guided her to the van that we rented and we let her stay at one of our condominium units.

We arrived there in no time and we told her to rest since she might have a jetlag by now. Before riding the elevator up she said something.

"Let's go by the beach next week. Bring some friends." then winked. The hyungs and I talked about it and we even made reservations already.

Since Lisa is gone for too long we decided to make the trip memorable so we scheduled it in Jeju Island where Jimin hyung's property is.

I came back to the company in no time and buried myself again in signing and scanning the paper that needed to be checked.

I was having a 30 minutes rest but then someone barged into my office.

"Yerim, what are you doing here?" I said furiously as seeing her was annoying to me.

To be honest, I already cut ties with her starting when she confessed that she loves me and did things that I didn't like that even led to several accidents. I think she's not in love with me but she's clearly obsessed.

"Is that how you welcome an old friend?" she said with a pouty face and teasing glare. Gosh, how to hold my patience.

I discreetly pushed the security button underneath my table and talked to her calmly.

"Do you really hate me that much Kookie?" she went beside me and I stood up to keep distance with her.

"You're obsessed Yerim. You're not the girl I used to know, what's happening to you?" I asked while gesturing her to keep distance with me.

"You did this to me! Why don't you love me!" she was now on the burst of throwing things away but thankfully the security arrived in exact time.

I told them to ban her from coming here from now on and I told them to keep an eye on her.

I got back to my work as there is no time to waste. Tzuyu is now alone at home since today is her day off, I don't know if she have plans but I'll just text her.

To: Mrs. Jeon

Tzuyu-nim! Are you out with your friends or just playing with Kaya and Butter again? Reply asap!

Minutes after sending that to her, my phone dinged again and it was a response from her.

From: Mrs. Jeon

I'm at the Derma right now, can't talk it's my turn. Text you later.

I smiled at how she quickly replied to me so I just sent her a smiley face back.


"Did he believe it?" Chae asked and I nodded in response.

I wasn't really in the dermatologist right now because we are here at our hideout or should I say Jihyo unnie's house because technically Nayeon unnie told them about Lisa.

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