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"What if I say I do?"  I froze there, not being able to know what to say. I just looked away from him and then suddenly I heard him laugh.

"Yah! Seriously what's wrong with you Jungkook." I punched his arms and gently pulled his hair. He's continuously saying sorry so I let go of him. He put the car on the side of the road for a while so we won't be a disturbance in the traffic. When we parked at the side, he laughed again.

"Did you seriously believed me?"  Who wouldn't believe him when his tone is so serious and he stopped in the middle of nowhere.

"Tzuyu, I just want you to feel comfortable with me as a friend that's why I did that. I also noticed that you're kinda sassy to me so...friends?" I felt the sincerity in his voice so I turned to him and forgive him for what he has done even if it's embarrassing.

We then became friends and decided to be good to each other from now on. He doesn't seem the type of friend who always talks behind your back so I believe in him.

He sent me home at my apartment and I opened the door to bid my goodbyes.

"Thank you for sending me home Jungkook. Safe drives!" I waved back at him and took the elevator up. When I inserted the card to my apartment, the lights were on and I smell something like ramyeon?

"Gaunlin!" I saw my brother still wearing his university outfit and cooking ramyeon. His things are literally everywhere. His suitcase is at the floor, his left shoe is in the door step while his right shoe is at the living room. This kid never learns.

"Welcome home Noona! I just got back from my classmate's house and since your apartment is just near here I decided to cook for you." I walked to the kitchen and smelled the aroma of the ramyeon he's cooking.

It's been a long time since I got to taste ramyeon because they are telling me to maintain my weight but I just cannot resist this time especially it's Guanlin's specialty to cook ramyeon.

He served the ramyeon for two at the living room while I am getting my clothes changed. I saw him watching 'suits' again while eating.

"So I heard you're getting married? Is that true noona?" he stopped the series for awhile and talked to me.

"Yes, I am but I am doing this for the sake of the company. You know how important the company is to dad right?"

"I know but you shouldn't be dragged into this. Can't dad find different ways?" I hugged him as he was getting so emotional again. He's my only brother so he was always protective to me and I was protective to him as well.

"I will be fine Guanlin besides he's a good man."

"What about Jaehyun hyung?" that's also what I wanna ask myself. What about him? What about us? I don't wanna broke him but I don't wanna upset dad either. I need to talk to him sooner or later before he finds out from others.

Weeks has passed when the Jeons and I last seen each other, there is still no words about when and where is the marriage but I just really hope they change their minds.

My last schedule for today is reporting a weather forecast for news station. I wanna experience new things so I contacted my friend from there and they agreed.

I did well in the reporting and even the other news casters praised me for having a good posture and accent even though I am not a korean.

My staffs and I bid goodbye to them as we are finished with our last schedule. It was currently 9pm and all I want now is to eat.

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