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"Ms. Tzuyu, you have a meeting in ten minutes. We should probably go now." said my Secretary, Yuna.

It's already been a week since I started working here in the company and I'm still adjusting to the workplace.

This is not what I have been used to doing but they are similar about one thing...they are both stressful.

I picked up my laptop, iPad, Paper and Pen before following Yuna to the meeting room and there I saw Mr. Lee and his son there, they are one of our biggest investor in terms of condominium premises.

"Nice to meet you Ms. Tzuyu."

"Nice to meet you Mr. Lee and....?"

"Lee Daehwi" his name sounds so familiar like I have heard it before but I disregard my thoughts and focused on the meeting.

Mr. Lee told me what his conditions were if we decided to lend a partnership with them and of course we also presented ours.

Both sides seemed satisfied with the conditions and regulations so the meeting ended with contract signing.

Our company is finally partnered with Lee Condominiums. I shakehands with Mr. Lee and his son and they bid their goodbye after that.

Yuna gave me a high five after the meeting and we quickly reported the achievement to the board. It's something to celebrate so I decided to call appa.


Sorry, the number you dialed is busy at the moment plea-

Huh? Are they busy? Is he taking a bath?

Since he wasn't answering, I decided to call Guanlin just to be assure that they are still good.


Tzuyu: Guanlin!

Guanlin: Yes, noona why?

Tzuyu: what is appa doing?

Guanlin: he...

Tzuyu: He what? Guanlin....

Guanlin: He's out golfing with his friends!

call ended.

He dropped the call, dammit.

I told him not to go out without permission but yet he didn't follow my instructions and Guanlin even let him.

I know where he's often playing golf so I just drove there and found him.

"nice shot." I said sarcastically and his eyes widen with the sight of me, but my eyes widen more when I saw Mr. Jeon with appa.

"Oh, annyeonghaseo." I bowed and walked to them. They stopped playing golf and sat down the bench near there.

I told appa what happened at the meeting and he's so happy to hear about the deal. Mr. Jeon also told me that I did well and I thanked him for that but of course I also scolded appa for being a stubborn oldie.

They asked me to play golf with them but I remember that I have work to do still so I refused. I bid them both goodbye and told appa to go home safely and he said okay.

I drove my way back to the office and when I got out the car, Yuna was waiting for me at the lobby.

"Ms. Tzuyu, I was calling you several times. The airline staff just called and..."

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