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The next morning I woke up feeling the intense pain in my lower body and then everything that happened last night flashed back to me.

I looked around and I am still here in his room. I looked under the blankets and I am already wearing a white oversized shirt which I assume Jungkook's clothes.

I was wondering where the heck he is because he's not here by my side. Did he perhaps...go to work? Did he really leave me after that?

Oh.my.gosh, Tzuyu you're such a baby. Of course the company is more important than you.

I tried to stand up and walk to go downstairs and thankfully I saw an umbrella near his bed so I used it to assist my steps since I'm still kinda hurt.

I opened the door and to my shock, I saw Jungkook wearing a short and a sleeveless shirt while holding into a tray full of...food?

Did he cook?

"Aigoo...jagi, you weren't supposed to stand up you're still...sore remember?" I hit his shoulder as he tease me and made me remember it all over again.

I think the unnies shouldn't know anything about this because if they do they will surely kill me.

Jungkook puts down all the food at the table and comes back to me to carry me back to bed. He tucked me in and covered me with blanket. He also fed me the food he cooked and he was such an excellent chef.

I asked him if he's going to work but unfortunately he gotta go, it's already 9am and I'm kinda worried because these days I am always making him come to work late.

he took a shower and dressed into a grey suit and just like yesterday he lent me the tie so I can put it on him.

Before leaving, he kissed me in the forehead and told me some things to remember.

He left and why did I just notice that...we haven't said 'i love you' to each other even one time.

Now, it's making me question everything...

What if he's really a playboy and he's just playing me?

What if he's not sincere with me?!

What if-

Stop with the what ifs, Jeon Tzuyu you will only know the answer to those questions if you ask him yourself.

I relaxed myself into bed again and since I still have four days to spend my rest day before leading the company all I did was rest until I heard my phone 'ding'

JiSaTzuYeon ft. the three male aliens👽

Jihyo: ermm- how was ur sleep everyone?

Tzuyu: good.. what's the matter unnie?

Sana: of course it's good tzu ¬‿¬

Tae: yeah... you're sure loud.


Tzuyu: I absolutely have no idea what you're talking about

Nayeon: rlly tzu? you're gonna lie? to us? We literally raised you.

Tzuyu: that would be the most Seokjin line to say and no I am not lying.

I didn't know what to say anymore so I decided to text Jungkook and ask for help but when I thought he replied my eyes widen in horror.

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