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"Are you okay? I'm sorry." he said as he held my face and hugged me. I was shock for the sudden action by him but I feel his warmth and it lessen the cold I am feeling right now.

I looked up and saw the unnies and oppas reaction as Jungkook was hugging me so I tapped him lightly and he let go.

Luckily, my clothes are not see through so I have nothing to worry about but the problem is I don't have extra clothes.

"I think Tzuyu needs to change before she gets cold." Seokjin oppa said with a grin on his face. Ugh, what are they planning again.

Jungkook stood me up and guided me to a room inside their rest house. He handed me a white shirt, hoodie and a swimming trunks which is his clothes since we have no choice.

I got out and saw him at the edge of the bed, his hands on his face. Is he okay?

I walked closer to him and tapped him at the shoulders. I saw how guilty his face looks like and then he said "You almost died, sorry."

I smiled as he apologized to me. It wasn't really his fault that he didn't know I cannot swim.

"That's okay, look I am still alive right?" he looked at me with teary eyes and I wiped it off. He's like a baby, gosh.

"Aren't you a ghost?" we both laughed as he came back to his old funny self again. We decided to comeback at the pool but all we saw there was empty glasses and messed up seats.

"Where are they?" we both tried to look around and when I went to the parking lot their cars wasn't there anymore so I ran back to Jungkook and informed him that they're gone already.

I knew it, this is what they are plotting earlier. This unnies and oppa, why are they always putting us closer together?

"Should we go home also?" he asked and I nodded in response. He got the bag with my wet clothes on it and hopped in the car.

It was a fun night and a memorable one. We arrived at the apartment and I was supposed to go down when I saw Jaehyun waiting at the entrance of the building.

Jungkook also saw him so he took a U-turn and go somewhere. What is that prick doing there? Huh, isn't he the one who told me to go away?

After minutes of driving, we arrived at a mansion and it looks so great! Is this the white house or something?

The maids greeted us as Jungkook guided me inside. I saw Mrs. Jeon standing there looking at the painting at the hallway. So this is their house.

"Oh, Tzuyu what happened?" Mrs. Jeon asked me and glared at Jungkook as she saw my hair soaking wet.

"I didn't mean to pull her with me at the pool eomma." he said whining while apologizing to her mom. His mom made a 'tsk' sound as Jungkook said that and scolded him.

I feel the bond between them and I suddenly missed my mom. She always treat me like that but instead of crying, I giggled because I realized that Mrs. Jeon and eomma has many similarities in many ways.

Mrs. Jeon looked at me smiling and held my shoulders "You remembered your mom?"

I nodded in response and she told me stories about her. My eomma and her have been friends before eomma became dad's wife. Mrs. Jeon said she's naturally the naggy, sweet, pretty but introvert type of girl, just like me.

I suddenly felt close to Mrs. Jeon as she continued to reminisce all her memories with eomma. I wish you're here eomma.

"Oh, Tzuyu you're here." Yoori sunbae said as she sat beside us. Jungkook was taking a shower so it's just us girls here.

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