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I'm already here at my room and I made excuses to Jungkook just to go up here. Did I heard him right? He's friends with that Lisa that I know.

I immediately called Nayeon unnie to calm myself down because my hands are getting shaky because of the flashbacks and thankfully she answered.

Nayeon: Yes my baby?

Tzuyu: Unnie, can I go there?

Nayeon: Why? Did Jungkook harassed you? I swear-

Tzuyu: No, I have something to tell you.

Nayeon: Can't you just tell it like tomorrow?

Tzuyu: I want to rest tomorrow unnie, please.

Nayeon: Okay, if you insist but you'll drive this late?

Tzuyu: Yes, I'll see you. Bye.

Nayeon: Makn-

I already cut the call because I know for sure she'll just stop me to go there. I got my keys at the cabinet and left a note on Jungkook's door before going out.

It's already 10pm and it's raining. The road was wet and slippery so I have to be careful. Before I go there, I stopped by a drive thru but the line was so long so I have no choice but to wait because I'm worried that if I go down people might recognize me.

It took me 30 minutes to order and I have to wait for a few minutes more for my order. I was getting tons of calls from Nayeon unnie and Jungkook but I didn't bother to answer cause I'll be going there soon anyways.

Once my order came, I drove at Nayeon and Jin's house. Yes, they are living together and their parents clearly agreed to it. It was like they're sure they will last forever.

I rang the doorbell several times and thank god they opened the door because I have no umbrella with me so I got soaked at the rain.

Nayeon unnie looked so worried when I arrived. She lend me a towel and clothes before asking me questions.

Nayeon unnie may seem giggly and cheerful but she's the most caring and loving unnie I have ever known.

"Tzu, you're okay there?" She asked and I opened the door wearing the clothes she lend me.

She pulled me into the couch where Seokjin oppa and her are talking awhile ago and they made me sit. Their stares are clearly saying 'what will you tell us?'

"Seokjin oppa, don't tell Jungkook I'm here." he nodded and turned off his phone so I can be sure and trust him.

I sighed deeply before telling Nayeon unnie about Lisa.

"Lisa's back."

"WHAT?" Both of them said in sync and they both made eye contact with each other. Maybe Nayeon unnie didn't know that Seokjin oppa was friends with her.

"He knows lisa, THEY know." Nayeon unnie glared at Seokjin oppa again and I told her to let me explain first.

I told her that Lisa was their Childhood friend and they seemed close to her which Seokjin oppa agreed to. He also told us how Lisa treats them and that was the opposite on how she treated me before.

"How about both of you? How did you know Lisa?" Seokjin oppa asked.

FLASHBACK (9 YEARS AGO - Tzuyu is in High School)

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