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I was about to close the gates when I saw a man wearing a white shirt, pants and a cap just standing there infront of our house.

He looks creepy...

He kinda looks suspicious so I tried closing the gates faster but he suddenly sprinted to me like a psycho.

"Why are you quitting being a celebrity Tzuyu? Why? I still want to see you and your dramas!" he forcefully holds me at the arms and at that point I just knew that he's a sasaeng who probably just found out where I live.

"I told everyone already. I've done my job, enough stalking me!" I pushed him away but he stood up and was approaching me when someone stood infront of me.

Well, it was kinda familiar figure but what's important now is that I have someone at my side.

"Go now or else we'll be calling the cops." the man sprinted away and I clapped in amazement on how the man was so brave to fight for me.

When he faced me, I was in total shock. I didn't even expected him to be here. Wasn't he suppose to be in Hong K-

"What's with that face Yoda?" my cousin Jackson asked and opened his arms for me but I punched him jokingly in the stomach instead.

"Yah! Don't call me Yoda, Wang Mandu!" we both laugh as we tease each other. I asked him to go inside our house and he did.

He didn't change since the last time I saw him and he's still this fit and tall Chinese boy from Hong Kong.

"Woah!" I saw how startled he was seeing Kaya and Butter because to be honest he's not that used to dogs.

"Don't worry they don't bite, but I do...rawr!" I scared the shit out of him and he almost tripped over Kaya.

Minutes later Jackson calmed down and I locked Kaya and Butter on my room for awhile.

"So you're hubby's not here?" my face automatically reddened and I hid my face from him and said that Jungkook is away for work.

He just nodded but I can totally see him smirking from where I am right now. I called for a food delivery so that I can treat him to a good food and we also did watch some movies.

We didn't even realize it's already afternoon, what I mean is that it's already 5pm.

We both stretched out as we both finished watching Tangled. I got us water and after we drank it he said something really weird.

"Come to think of it...I totally ship Pascal and Maximus." we both laugh out loud as he was pertaining to the horse and the chameleon in the movie.

After that we also had many talks, most especially about Jungkook and I but as the time passes by I got comfortable talking about it to him.

But as always, good times also has it's limits. He bid his goodbyes but he said it wasn't the last time we're going to see each other because he will just stay at the hotel for now.

I called a cab for him and he got in. I waved goodbye to the cab and it was a really long day but I was startled again when a man was standing beside me.

"What the heck are you doing here? Where's your car?" I looked at Jungkook who looks so sweaty and tired.

"My car broke down and I need to take the cab but it also broke down at the street down there."

"You could have called me you know?" I said disappointed and crossed my arms.

"I did call you but you didn't answer." he said and that left me dumbfounded and I just also realized that I didn't held my phone for the whole day today.

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